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November 10, 2005

- If Raffy Palmerio, Gary Sheffield, Barry Bonds and any other ball players actually have the balls to stand up and say they never "knowingly" took any steroids. Then I think I can say I never knowingly ate McDonalds.

- My buddy Bum is 100% right. T.O is bi-polar. Ironically the only person in the NFL that can save him and his career, is in Dallas. Coach Parcells. We no longer hear drama from either Terry Glenn or Keyshawn Johnson.

- If 50 Cent follows through on his threat of a beef with Dr. Dre his career will end faster than Ja Rules. Eminem will end it as fast as he started it. And this will happen.

- First it was the Red Sox, then the White Sox. And now I finally ended my losing streak by winning my first OST this past week. I don't read the bible. But if those three things aren't in there as signs of the apocalypse, it's time to go back and add a chapter.

- It's never real comforting when you check into a hotel and there's a sign telling you not to drink the tap water, and they hand you a flashlight.

- Hunting is not a sport. Nor a game. I overheard some guys talking about the opening of whatever hunting season recently. I always thought for something to be a game, both participants had to know they were playing.

- If you let someone ahead of you while driving, and they don't give the thank you wave, you have the option to shoot them in the knee.

- No movie over 3 hours not staring either Al Pacino or Robert De Niro, gets to have a DVD released with deleted scenes. In fact, the DVD should come with a feature where you as the viewer, get to pick scenes to delete

- If the alternate ending of Titanic doesn't include the boat not sinking, AND Leo strangling that whiney bitch, then it's just a waste of time. A lot of time. Not that it matters, never watching that movie again.

- Lauren/LC from Laguana Beach, must be on the cover of either Maxim or Stuff, every single month from now till she pulls a Lohan and turns into a walking skeleton.

- Any player who once played for the Mets, shall be referred to as "name" ex-Met. ie: Jason Isringhausen, ex-Met. For two reasons. I like it, and it'll bug the hell out of Mike. And that's always good fun for the entire family.