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May 10, 2006

Quick Post

First off. ---- you all! Okay not all. Just the bastards I'm mad at. Get this, 3 friends of mine are either in Hawaii or going there in the next couple of months. Not the Lake. Not even Chicago. Fargin Hawaii. Have I been? No. Did they offer to take me? No. And it's all couples who have some what adopted me as the single friend. C'mon, you gotta be nicer to the step kid. And don't any of you dare bring me back a tee shirt. Or I might just strangle you with it. But have fun:) Asses.

Speaking of Chicago. Right now the plan is to head up there in July for the Cubs-Mets series. Should be a damn good time. Bum, V and I, perhaps even Hard Core. Lots of trash talking. And one totally strange, maybe twice in a lifetime occurrence. Since V has some Mets on his fantasy baseball team, we'll actually be on the same side at a sporting event. This happens about as often as some big hurricane comes along and sinks a major city. Oops. Is that insensitive? C'mon, throw me a rope. Don't let me just drown in this joke. Oh no I didn't go there too? Yep. I did.

And while the subject is V. I'd like to take a moment to congratulate him on his new venture. I think the site looks fantastic, and wish you the best. Proud of ya brah. And I hope you all will take a moment to check out his new business and keep him in mind if you need a graphic designer.

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