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May 16, 2006

Ramblings and Hirplings

Ah, TGIT. What? Thank Gregg its Tuesday? What the hell could be so great about a Tuesday you ask. Well, for starters it's an OST Tuesday. That's right, a poker league. I'm not exactly an addict but I want my fix. I can stop whenever I want. Like, yesterday. Didn't play at all. See, total control. Also, tonight is the night I get to return to my pimped out bachelors pad.

Seriously, no problem at all with house sitting for friends. Happy to help out. In fact, I'll be house sitting for some other friends next month. But 10 days is a long time. And I'm looking forward to my bed, my tv, my movies, music, AIM, walking to get fed or a drink, and not having dogs wake me up. I think just for thinking it, I might throw up but shit, there's no place like home. It's just yours. I mean, I'm a pretty clean guy. Which is to say I'm not one of those guys who you can't walk barefoot on their floor, or you share a bathroom with some rodent that he actually named. But in my place, if I choose to leave some cans out for a couple days before cleaning off the coffee table, I can do it. At a friends house, ya can't. So, I think just to welcome myself home I might leave my empty soda cans on the table for a week. Half-full too. See, I said half full not half-empty.

New subject. Let me tell you what I like about Myspace. I mean for the most part, it's the most juvenile site you could even dream of. But, ever since I got online 11 years ago, I was a sucker for any of those damn questionnaires. You know the ones. Totally random, sometimes way too personal ones. And people send those out or post em on myspace almost daily. For some reason, questions that would normally get you slapped or labeled an ass, maybe even a restraining order (so I hear) are perfectly acceptable as long as they are part of a group of questions. Go figure. And this is what I meant when I said people are more honest online. Sure, they could be full of shit and some are. But for the most part you get the goods in these fucking things. Seriously, every employer should send one to prospective employees just use a non-work related email address to get responses. It's just another one of those bizarre instances where normal social ethos are completely ignored online.

Now for yet another totally random subject. Soldiers on the border. Are you mad? Are you fucking out of your mind Dub? I get that it's a problem, and I agree that it is. Although I have no problem with people coming here, we're all just better off if they do it legally. Got it. But soldiers? Dudes with guns? Never mind if it's right or wrong. Look at it from a PR perspective. As if our image right now isn't shitty enough. No, we need dudes with big scary guns standing over a line in the dirt, keeping the rest of us from getting quality nannies and groundskeepers. This idiot from Texas has us looking like the overly strict parent everyone hated in high school. The assholes who wanted to ground not just their kids but, their kids friends. Meanwhile, mom and dad are totally scandalous themselves. Beating their kids, stealing from work, telling everyone they gave up drinking but never had a problem, judging everyone around them yet claiming to be these "good christians." Only instead of friends or bastard kids, it just happens to be the entire world this guy is shitting on. As the yet released song by Eric Hirshberg says, "you can keep Texas but, I want America back."

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