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May 04, 2006

Adventures in House Sitting

Starting this Friday I'll be house sitting for some friends of mine. Nice house, 2 pugs and three cats. The lucky bastards are going to Hawaii. Now I've done this before for these friends. And some years ago, some thing happened that I think you sick souls will get a kick out of.

I was 23 at the time. So, just a couple years ago. And in the middle of the week, I had to call them on their vacation and have them find a replacement for me and my services. Hirp done got a lil sick. Some pesty thing called Chicken Pox. Yep. At 23. Do you know how much shit one gets for catching a bug that is usually found in 9 year old kids? My niece and nephew had just had it, and I had been over to see them. So Andrew was even asking how I could do that since he knew I had never had it before. I said no worriers, can't get it. As a kid, my mom tried to expose me to it so we could get it over with. And I never got it. Some how my sister got it twice. Guess we shoulda known then relapsing was gonna be a theme. Oh, low blow I know. But it was funny.

I started to get sick while at work one day. Was just freezing. Wearing a leather jacket, hovering over a frame warmer and still shivering. And did any of my co-workers offer to stay for me, or let me go home? No, not that day. Ass holes (yes you Plainsmoses!) They paid the price. Oh yes they did. I was out of work for about a week. Spent Thanksgiving sick in bed, with my nieces and nephews coming in to check on me. So we'll see what happens when I house sit next week. And this is like a 10 day gig this time. Think I might put the house on the market. Already scared Andrew with the idea that I was just gonna run naked laps around the house. And I hope he can explain all those 900 #s and movies on demand that were purchased. Get the feeling his wife is gonna be kinda mad.

At the same time these good people are going out of town, so are my parents. My parents live pretty close so I have to keep an eye on their house, bring in the mail and such. They're going to Arizona and gonna do a little looking around at houses. The plan for them is to retire to Arizona. Which I think is a great thing. But, it does lead me to start looking very seriously at leaving Kansas City. It's never been a secret that I didn't have the highest opinion of KC. But, I was content with staying for a while since my family was here. Now my brother and his family live in Ala-fucking-bama. Two kids live in CT. And the rents will be in Arizona. So, as much as I don't really want to leave my friends behind. It's time I start weighing my options. At this time I'm not leaning to any particular city or state. But I have a list. NY, CT, Cali, Chicago, Arizona and part of me would like to consider Austin Texas based on all the great things I've heard. That's the least likely. Let me tell you though, the cost of living is making KC very attractive. For what I pay in rent, I get a decent place in a great area. Same money in any of those other places gets me in the ghetto. And I only like going there to conduct my bidness.

This is where I'm going to sound like I've seen to many therapists. And you don't get to charge me $90 an hour to hear it. Suckers. I've stayed in KC all these years to be by my family. For one, I wanted to. I didn't get to grow up around extended family and the idea of being able to see my nieces and nephews grow up and be a hands on uncle (not in the catholic priest sorta way) was what I wanted. So I made sacrifices for my family and I have no doubt it was the right thing to do. But now it's time to do what I want. Did I mention I'm in my mid to late 20s? The problem is I'm really not sure what I want. And no, Vegas isn't on the list. Hmm..Future post: Places that are definitely OFF the list and why. Could be fun.

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