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May 11, 2006

More questions. And other things I don't understand

You in the Hummer. You have a "support the troops" bumper sticker. 'Splain this to me. You're driving the biggest gas guzzling thing on the planet. Support the troops? How 'bout doing so with actions instead of a $1 bumper sticker. You have the money.

Women. Just women. Nothing in particular today.

I hear these stories of people turning 40, and they say 40 is the new 30. Does that make 30 the new 20? If so, can I still go to Vegas for my 30th?? Will they let me gamble??

I'm all for getting child molesters off the streets but, this to catch a predator thing. How is that not entrapment? I'm not a lawyer and I didn't stay at a Holiday Inn Express. But I am Jewish, and we come with a pretty good understanding of the law.

I thought waking up 5 minutes before my alarm was always pure torture. Now I have 2 pugs waking me up 10 minutes before my alarm goes off, it's seriously 30 times worse. What happens to a dog after just 9 seconds in a microwave? Do I need to find out?

If just a few more friends of mine would travel more, I might be able to give up my apartment and just house sit some place all year. If I make this a goal, do I slip into Turtles world of leaching? Would that be bad thing?

Another thing I don't understand. The regulars at the bar. The ones that complain about EVERY FRIGGIN' THING. I went and played in this free poker game and there was one woman there, who knew the owner, bartender and all the waitresses, bitched non-stop. It was too cold, they charged for water now, the table wasn't sitting right. She wanted them to turn off the fan, she wanted the blinds closed I bet she wanted someone to put a pillow on her seat. Seriously, non-stop. And she was wearing some Zuba like pants. And she charged her 4 waters. I vote her off.

Ooh. Just heard a rumor. Our new offices are going to be in the Bottoms down by Kemper. Makes for a much shorter commute for me. But shit, there isn't a McDonald's down there! Might make the lunch game possible though!

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