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May 02, 2007

ADD Post

Wow, it’s going to be a long day. I forgot to take my Ritalin this morning, and I’ve been at work for about 40 minutes and I can already tell I’m totally screwed. I’ve started a Sports Guy column and read about half of it, I checked about three baseball box scores instead of all of them, and I think I’ve restarted the same song on my iPod four times. Seriously, this is me working without Ritalin. It aint pretty, and to be honest I’m a little worried about how this post will turn out. I could see myself just moving on to something else mid…..wait, where was I? Oh yeah, mid-sentence.

This reminds me of something I wanted to mention last week. I went to the pharmacy to get my script filled, and I have new insurance. Well, the pharmacist tells me that this company must not really believe adults have ADD because they want “prior authorization” from my doctor that I do in fact, really need this medication. Um, isn’t that pretty obvious? You know, that’s the doctor that wrote me the fucking script in the first place. Now they have to say, “I’m serious, he needs this.” This is one of the dumbest things I’ve heard in a long time. Why exactly do they think my doctor wrote the prescription?

Okay, back to reading Sports Guy. I’ll finish my post in a few. Man I feel like playing Playstation now.

Apparently the NBA Playoffs are going on, I hate you Isiah Thomas. I like the NBA, but there’s no reason the Playoffs should last two months. Professional athletes shouldn’t need a day off in between games. If they do, I should get every other day off too.

I guess Bon Jovi is going to be on Idol tonight. Is it safe to have that much Aqua Net under one roof? Is it ironic that Fox is making boat loads of cash off the gayest show in the history of television? And they give to charity?? Shouldn’t Bill O’Reilly spontaneously combust? Sorry, but straight men don’t do karaoke. Not that there’s anything wrong with that, of course not.

Okay, so I ran home to take my meds. It’s nice living close to work. If only I could find a way to go home for a daily nap.

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