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May 03, 2007


* if you haven't watched this past Sopranos episode, do not read this post.

Damn, it’s Thursday and I haven’t yet talked about last weeks “Sopranos” episode. Sorry about that. Well, not too much really happened. The whole thing between Tony and Hesh is just another situation to show us someone else who has motive to either turn on Tony or have him killed. I always liked Hesh, not just because he’s fellow a member of the tribe, but he just seems like the cool grandfather. I’d hate for Tony to have to clip him, but loaning a gangster with a gambling problem 200k isn’t the wisest of moves. Which is the beauty of the situation, it shows us how charming and frightening the mob can be all at once. There’s really no way he could have turned down Tony’s request, and he can only rely on the word of a criminal to get his money back.

Quick recap of the possible traitors and their reasons:

Bobby Bacala- Had the throw down with T and kicked his ass, then T had him “pop his cherry” in Canada, and he dropped his gun and left part of his shirt in the dead guy’s hand. Not to mention his lovely wife Janice, would love for her guy to be the Don. Has reason to either whack T, or turn on him.

Janice- Could kill Tony to stick up for her husband, and then play Hilary Clinton as First Lady of the Mob. Plus Tony’s mudda and uncle have both tried to kill him, so it makes sense that his bitch of a sister would try too. The Sopranos put the “fun” in dysfunctional.

Christopher- Probably still upset that they had to off his girlfriend, and really doesn’t seem to have an interest in being in “the life” any more. Would rather go Hollywood, and there’s plenty of tension between he and Tony. He can’t really rat on him, go underground and still make it in Hollywood. But he could go Henry Hill on him.

Paulie- A motor mouth who will never rat, you can bet on that. The actor that plays him, Tony Siciro, actually made David Chase promise that he would never rat on anyone in the show. Siciro, reportedly was involved in some mob activities before going into acting.

Carmela- Hates the fact that “life is still like this, even at our age.” And what do they say about a woman scorned? She’s been cheated on for years and fears for her financial future.

AJ- He’s just a shit head. The fact that he’s been as big of a role this season as he has, is the biggest mistake they’ve made. Make Meadow part of the story line, she can at least act a little and is easy on the eyes. He could try and do something to Tony, but he can’t do anything right.

Phil Leotardo- Too obvious, but still has to be mentioned.

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