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May 02, 2007


• Ring back tones are popular now with cell phones, and I’ve had a few in the past few months for different people. Some James Blunt, some fart sounds, and “Take Me Out To the Ball Game” for starters. But today I thought of the next ring back tone for me. It’s simple, and genius, a busy signal. I think that would be absolutely hysterical. You call me, you get a busy signal and before you can hang up, I answer. This would entertain me for at least two weeks.

• For lunch today, we went to Italian D to scarf down a couple of slices. While eating, my friend and I witnessed a woman eating her pizza in the oddest of ways. It wasn’t just that she wasn’t folding it, but she was using a fork to help hold up the entire piece as she ate it. Personally, I think they should have given her money back to her and told her to get out. There are right and wrong ways to do some things, and eating pizza the right way should be something everyone knows. Those that don’t know shouldn’t get to eat it. Not real pizza anyway, let them have Pizza Hut or Papa John’s. Fold your pizza, and don’t ever take a napkin to it to soak up the grease, I don’t know how else to say it.

• I guess there was some march yesterday for Illegal aliens, and this has to rank up there as one of the biggest “duh” moments in recent memory. Let me see if I understand this, we have like a million people gathering and advertising to the world that they aren’t here legally right? Um, scoop ‘em all up or just make them legal already. If you aren’t going to do something when they are rounding themselves up, you might as well make them citizens. In fact, we should put them in office if they are that well organized.

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