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May 08, 2007

No Joke

Guy goes to see his Doctor, and is told he has Pancreatic Cancer and is given a year or so to live. So he quits his job, decides to quit paying his mortgage and spends his final days spending. He buys nice cars, travels around the world. Then finds out he doesn’t actually have cancer, and that he in fact was suffering from non-fatal pancreatitis. So then he’s faced with losing his house and being broke. Waiting for the punch line? Well I’m sorry, but there isn’t one .This isn’t a joke, it’s a true story I heard on “Countdown with Keith Olberman” last night about a man in Norway.

Of course he’s suing, and I wouldn’t call it a frivolous suit by any means, but he does have to take some of the responsibility for the situation. And I don’t mean because he made the choice to not pay his bills, I’m healthy and I’d like to stop doing that. But he probably should have sought a second opinion, just a thought. But can you imagine being this guy? For two years you get yourself ready to die, you do all the things you’ve always wanted to do, and I imagine live exactly how you always wanted to. Talk about having nothing to lose? But also saying good-byes and thinking you’ll never do this or that again.

Then one day your doctor says, “hey um, we got good news and we got bad news. The good is, you’re going to live. Now the bad, you’re pretty much fucked in every other aspect. My bad, we’ll send you a bill.”

Sounds like a movie to me. Might even have to write it myself.

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