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May 10, 2007

All Apologies

This will sound like its sports related, but it really isn’t, so stay with me. This week Boston Red Sox pitcher, Curt Schilling, was on a radio show and said that Barry Bonds had admitted using steroids, cheating on his wife and cheating on his taxes. All three of those claims are false. So Schilling was blasted by everyone for his inaccuracies, and he deserved it. To his credit, Schilling then went on his blog the following day and apologized. Good for him, but not good enough after you read what else he said.

“I’d love to tell you I was ambushed, misquoted, misinterpreted, something other than what it was, but I wasn’t. I’m thinking that waking up at 8:30 am to do the weekly interview we do with WEEI is probably not the greatest format and if you heard the interview it’s not hard to realize that I’m usually awake about 30-45 seconds before it begins. That’s still no excuse or reason to say what I did, or even answer the question that was asked.”

I can’t tell you how much I hate it when someone makes an excuse, and then says they aren’t making excuses. There’s no bigger cop out, it’s cowardly. You screwed up, you’re apologizing and that’s great. If you want to make an excuse, do so, but don’t attach a disclaimer. Anyone that ever makes an excuse, and then says they aren’t making an excuse, should kiss my ass. Only not really kiss my ass, yet at the same time, kiss my ass.

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