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May 07, 2007

Sunday Recap

In college and even high school basketball, they have “Senior Night” It’s usually the last home game of the year, and they honor the seniors on the team before the game, as well as try to take them out of the game one at a time so they can each get their own final standing ovations from the crowd. It’s really pretty cool to see, and it’d be pretty neat if we all had something similar in our collective professions. Imagine getting sent home early on your last day, and everyone taking the time to show you some appreciation for your years of service. Well, they’re doing just that on “The Sopranos,” and it’s been a beautiful thing.

A different character has been given a great scene in each episode so far this year. Last week we had a powerful scene between Tony and Carmela, and this week they gave Michael Imperioli (Christopher) a fantastic scene in which he simply killed it, both literally and figuratively. I’ve never really loved Christopher, nor have I truly despised him, usually he just annoys me. But over the seasons, he has some of the best twists and turns of any character on the show. Watching him relapse, each time, has been almost like watching a friend relapse. I’ve actually heard myself begging that he put the drink down; his battle with his demons has been more powerful and realistic than an after school special.

If Vegas is taking odds on who will bring Tony down or kill him, the favorite has to be Christopher. The groundwork has all been laid and it makes perfect sense, and that’s why it won’t happen. It’s too neat and well packaged, so I’m leaning more to either AJ doing something stupid or Bobby along with Janet.


As for Entourage, I think it was the best episode of the season to this point. Love watching Ari deal with Mrs. Ari, and his presence was lacking a bit in the previous episodes. I knew that some how he’d find his way back to Vince, I just didn’t expect it to be so soon. Can’t say I’ll really miss Carla Gugino’s character, easy on the eyes as she was. I’d like to see Adam Goldberg pop up in a few more episodes, you can never have enough neurotic Jews in a show. It’s like you can never have too many guys who play defense on a basketball team, or (for the ladies reading) you can never have too many pairs of shoes.

It’s funny, on “Entourage” they talk about doing more movies that I’d really like to see than Hollywood actually produces. Medellin sounds great, as did Queens Blvd and the Ramones bio-pic. They’d have to be better than Next or Meet the Robinsons.


Random thoughts:

One of the hot topics in this country is how to tighten up the borders, and keep illegals out. But every May 5th, White America celebrates a Mexican holiday just to have another reason to drink. That makes perfect sense.

Paris Hilton going to jail, now that’d be a reality TV show worth watching. Someone make this happen, please.

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