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May 14, 2007

HirpTV part Deux

A few years ago I sent a text to my cousin that’s a Lakers fan. The text said, “Wow, Kobe,” after he hit a game tying shot at the buzzer. My cousin responded that he was Tivo-ing the game, and I felt like a complete ass. He had planned his day around going home and watching the game, and my text ruined it all for him. I felt bad about it, but today I found out exactly what that feels like.

I didn’t watch The Sopranos last night, planned on watching it tonight. So this morning, instead of starting it off like every other Monday and recapping the episode with a friend, I immediately told him I hadn’t watched it yet. I proceeded with my morning, doing some work and occasionally checking email, as well as a few stops on the baseball message board on

And then, fuck, it happened to me. Some little schmuck posted a thread with a title that gave away a major event from the show, I won’t say what it was incase you haven’t seen it yet. Suddenly I knew exactly how my cousin felt, and at the same time I remembered what it felt like to get kicked square in the nuts. It’s not a good feeling. I was being so careful to not find out.


Shit, it’s official. NBC released their fall schedule for 2008, and Studio 60 isn’t on it. Directly or indirectly, this is going to lead to us having something as silly as Bingo on TV. Oops, too late.

1 comment:

Porqchop said...

Sad thing is... it didn't even register with me that Studio 60 didn't make the cut. So what was happening on a Sunday night that was important enough to disturb your ritual? Hope it involved saliva.