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May 25, 2007


I haven’t posted much this week, okay I haven’t posted at all this week. Call it writers block, laziness or blame the pollen count. I really don’t know why, but I just haven’t had anything to say. Anyway, let’s get to it.

The last episode of “The Sopranos” was the best of the year so far. As much as I hear people expressing their disappointment with the show over the past few seasons, it’s still some of the best television. It just set the bar so high. Basically, it’s like comparing Goodfellas to The Godfather. Goodfellas is a fantastic movie, and it stands on its own merit. But if you compare it The Godfather, it’s a let down. Michael Jordan was still scoring 20 points a game at the end of his career, very solid right? But nothing like the Mike that dropped 30 points a game and defied gravity while changing the way basketball is played. “The Sopranos” changed TV, and it’s still one of the best shows on.

Had there never been “The Sopranos” I’d bet my paycheck that we never would have had shows like: Entourage, Weeds, The Shield, Rescue Me, 24, or Six Feet Under. Before “The Sopranos” made its debut, the best dramas were either about cops or Doc’s. Drama meant either saving a life, getting married, breaking up, or nailing the bad guy. Tony made our hero a more flawed, conflicted and realistic man. So what that he happened to be a sociopath.

Just as if we never had Jordan, we would never have LeBron, Kobe or Kevin Garnett. Hmm, let me see if I can find something women can better understand. Had there never been Mary Tyler Moore, you never would have had Rachel Green or Carrie Bradshaw. I think that works.

Anyway, back to T and the gang. I was actually impressed by AJ in the last episode, even though I was kind of hoping he’d be successful in his attempt. A guy I know has a theory for how the show will end, one I like so much that I’m bummed that I didn’t think of it. He thinks that Tony is going to hand over the Arab guys to the FBI, and go into the Witness Relocation Program. That would leave the door open for a movie later on. However, it isn’t really the big climatic ending everyone is expecting. Then again, the past few years haven’t had anything big really happen. Tony gets shot, but he’s fine. Junior doesn’t get whacked. And even when Christopher meets his maker, it’s very subdued. I’m picking this as the second most likely ending.


I heard this story on the news a few nights ago about some kid being arrested for plotting to set of bomb or bombs at the funeral of Jerry Falwell. My first thought was, well he’s a little late. Then the newscaster said that it was to keep protestors from being a distraction, and that the 19 year old mastermind was a student at Falwell’s Liberty University. Well, that’s just beautiful. How it made sense to him, I’ll never know. A bomb to prevent distractions? From what I know about bombs, they tend to be a bit of a distraction. Something about loud noises, explosions, death and carnage just seems to give everyone ADD. Now I don’t think it’s necessarily right for one person to represent an entire group, be it a race, religion or student body at one particular university, but I’ll make an exception in this case with Liberty University.


I’ve never watched “The View” and I’ve never really paid attention to all these controversies that Rosie O’Donnell keeps finding herself smack dab in the middle of. They get so big you can’t help but hear some of the details, but I never gave a rats ass about it. This is important to know, because yesterday I read about Rosie getting into a verbal sparring match on the show this week. I was bored enough that I read the details, and then after that I had to watch a clip of it. We’re talking pure entertainment. She got into it with this little cute blonde Republican, Elisabeth Hasselbeck. (Why is it all female republicans, are cute blondes? And big surprise, she’s an NFL quarterbacks wife)

So big, fat, lesbian Rosie (hey that’s what she called herself) starts a fight because she felt she wasn’t defended by her “friend” Elisabeth. Never mind that she chose to be friends with someone who misspells her own name, she totally attacked her. And I hate taking sides with any Republican, but this girl not only held her own, but she was in right. I think she should celebrate Brandi Chastain style.

There you go. About a weeks worth of posting in one serving.

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