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May 02, 2006

Cashing In

So, genius Rick Rubin finished up some more Johnny Cash records and the result is two more albums that will be dropping. Leaving him just 9 post-pothumous albums behind Tupac. But really. Wasn't Johnny Cash just Eminem long before Em was Em? He killed people in his songs. Had a very public relationship with his wife, albleit a much more positive one. Was a hero to millions, and a villain to just as many. And both have fans who are fiercely loyal to them. Lots of artists have fans but, few have the same connection with their fans. Anyway, looking forward to well probably downloading the newest stuff.

The next big biopic in the tradition of Ray and Walk the Line, appears to be a movie about Miles Davis with Don Cheadle as Miles. Hollywood is struggling to find new ways to make creative movies but, a biopic about interesting people can always make for a great movie. And that's one interesting and amazing artist to try and capture in a movie, along with one of the most underrated actors working today.

Others I'd like to see:
Tupac (duh). I see Romany Malco as Pac. You know him as Jay from 40 Year Old Virgin. Not only does he some what look like Pac (C'mon, insert the joke yourself) but he had an energy about him in 40 year old, and Pac had a very unique energy.

And a movie about Brando. Although I'm not sure who could pull off playing him. Have to give that one some thought.

Who would you like to see a biopic about?

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