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May 01, 2006


There's a scene in Godfather III, Michael Corelone reacts to an attempt on his life. It's one of the few memorable scenes in the movie. In it, he says "just when I thought I was out, they PULL me back in."

Today I feel like that. It wasn't that I thought it was over. But it has been nearly a month since the kids left and all that went down. Then this weekend I get word that my parents heard from my sister. And I KNEW, so totally knew this day was coming. Maybe not as soon as it did. Or that it would happen how it did. But I knew we hadn't heard the last from her. And well, she admitted to have been using this entire time. But some how she heard that her lawyer got a 30 day extension on when her legal rights would be severed, and with like a week or so to spare she has popped up talking about how she doesn't want to lose her kids. Now what's weird is Saturday I was thinking about this. And this newest situation isn't actually the nightmare I nearly posted about.

No, that nightmare is still a few years away. When the kids have their lives up and running. And the boy has found his smile again. And the girl is probably nearing high school graduation, looking forward to college and that part of her life. The nightmare is right then. With everything finally going their way, that mom would pop back in their lives talking that "sorry" bullshit.

That doesn't take away from this being it's own bad dream. My parents had said they just wanted to know if she was alive and okay, and now that they do they kinda wish they hadn't heard. Myself, I didn't want to know. Before this, every time the phone rang and the caller ID said folks or dad I was afraid to pick up. Knowing sooner or later it would be one of three calls. The one call you'd think I'd be most afraid of, the one where they found her body somewhere is the one you'd think I'd fear most. I don't. And I might be a gigantic selfish prick for it. But that call, I almost want to get. It would bring that closure thing I've heard so much about. I don't know if it actually exists, especially in a situation like this. But it's the one thing that would prevent the next nightmare.

So I guess we'll see what happens. She knows where they are, and I think she'll be selfish enough to try and contact them. Which would just be another action, in a long line, that I can't forgive.

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