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May 22, 2006

Hirpacolypse 10.5

I am so excited that I think I am literally beside myself. Last night NBC aired 10.5 Apocalypse, the sequel to the genius that was 10.5 back in like 2004. And I LOVE this crap. Emphasis on crap. Really, these are completely horrible movies. The acting is atrocious, the special effects are just hysterical. Honestly, I've seen better film on teeth. Okay, I haven't. I'm not a dentist. But I love that line. My affection for this genre, if you will, started in 1990. 8th grade and there was all this hype for a flicked called The Big One: The Great Los Angeles Earthquake.

The cast had mom from Growing Pains and dad from Wonder Years. And it was a huge deal. So big that as a result the local news stations started talking about the fault in the Ozarks, and there was some prediction released that we were headed for a huge quake in the Midwest. One could only hope MU would have just fallen down into the depths of hell, till it was later announced Columbia is hell. So aside from a slight panic, which to me was pure fun. Kidding me? In 8th grade the idea of compete destruction to the Midwest wasn't scary. More like a dream come true. Now lets move past these personal reasons. Back to our movie.

What makes these movies so great is how bad they are. You take a group of actors, 95% you've never seen and will never see, toss in a few familiar faces. The faces that belong to guys like Dean Cain, or the hot chick from 8 Rules For Dating My Daughter. And that's our talent pool here. D grade at best. And the special effects I mentioned, basically someone shakes the camera and people walk like Bob Huggins at a check point. That's an earthquake. And I won't turn away. I didn't get to watch it last night but I DVR'd that bitch you better believe it. C'mon, I'm pumped for it but no way was it going to move ahead of The Sopranos. So that will be my Monday night and I can't wait to get started.


Porqchop said...

So how many times have you watched the Twister, or as I like to call it "Mad About Big Twister" (with a nod to Helen Hunt and Bill Paxton)?

Gregg said...

Hated it. I like the shitty made for tv ones. When they actually get a decent cast, and a budget the movie still ends up sucking only it's not funny. See The Day After Tomorrow. oh wait you did, like 4 times opening weekend..much of a man crush on Jake?? Or was is Quaid?

Porqchop said...

Two words for you young man... "Lindsay Lohan."

Gregg said...

That's right. You like Jake, I like Lindsay.