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May 25, 2006

Hirp On....

So, I read this article about these people climbing Mt Everest who chose not to help a man, who they pretty much knew was going to die, as they passed him. And I'm not exactly sure what I think of this. I know I think it's definitely screwed up. Stop and risk your life to help a guy who is pretty much a lost cause anyway, or just keep going and accomplish your goal. It sounds horribly selfish to just tell this dude sorry, can't do anything. And then continue on your way. But really, if you can't save him, is it wise to put yourself at risk too? Then again, these idiots are climbing a mountain and putting their lives at risk to say they did it. Isn't putting your life on the line for another man more honorable? Without a doubt it's more "extreme."

I'm not into extreme sports, and I have a thing about heights. So, climbing a mountain doesn't really appeal to me. I get that it's gotta be something amazing to even attempt. And there's something to be said for the idea that you're never as alive as you are when on the verge of death. But isn't Everest now like a porn star? Long time ago everyone wanted to climb up it. Then one day one person did, and suddenly if you didn't go up it yourself, you know someone who did or at the very least watched a story about it. Time to find a new conquest. This one has a trail of people who made it up, and people who died doing so.

Something else I wanted to write a little something about. This past week 7 World Trade Center re-opened. The last building to come down on September 11th, is the first one to be rebuilt. And I, for one, don't think this has received nearly enough attention. This is a huge step for NY and for America. This shows we are going to get back on our feet, a lot more than bombing someone who is already in the stone age.

9-11 is a huge deal for me. At first I was just in shock too much to even think about rebuilding. Then, I saw the skyline without two very familiar sites. And in a lot of ways it was like seeing a group of friends but a couple just couldn't make it, and the whole dynamic of the group was off. So, it didn't take long for me to think rebuilding wasn't only the best option, it's the only option. And I want the same exact skyline back. That's not going to happen. I've dealt with that. And I look forward to the next World Trade Center. I feel having a memorial is not negotiable. But any kind of memorial needs to start with rebuilding, while remembering. And I think we're doing a shitty job of remembering. Everyone can tell you where they were when they heard about it. But, everyone around here, is pretty numb to it. Maybe numb isn't the right word. Just there's been so much time and distance placed between now and then that it doesn't seem real to people anymore. More like a scary movie they saw some years ago.

I usually dislike Oliver Stone movies but, I am anxious to see his World Trade Center. Is it too soon? Probably for New York and for the families. But it's time for the rest of us to get a reminder. We've replaced that memory with our feelings towards W and the war, and our frustration with gas prices. And along the way forgotten what caused both.

Speaking of W, here's my advice. Get out of Iraq, find Bin Laden, stick his ass in NYC and let them take care of justice. Then go back to Texas.


Porqchop said...

Hirp - That one should be published. The folks in charge of your calling have missed out on you. Jack-O's.

Gregg said...

Appreciate that porqchop.