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May 18, 2006

More useful tasks for the National Guard

Gonna get a little political on ya now. Just don't like this idea of troops "protecting" our borders. So, I decided I'd come up with a list of more productive tasks for the troops. Here we go, hold on tight:

10. Help the illiterate learn to read, maybe with some more informed voters we can avoid another Dubya
9. Hold classes to teach legal immigrants English.
8. Stand guard at movie theaters to prevent anyone from seeing Mission Impossible III
7. Help find Tupac and Biggie's killers.
6. Over throw the "President"
5. Go into landscaping, take away the jobs from the illegal ones before they get across the border.
4. Find us some friggin' oil.
3. Help OJ track down the real killer
2. Help rebuild New Orleans
1. Enforce all of Hirp's Laws.

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