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November 05, 2009

Tick Tock

Being nervous is just part of my nature, and I think this proves that Judaism is at least on some level, more than just a religion. Ever since I was a kid, any kind of change would throw my head in to a tizzy. My stomach would soon follow. First day of school approaching, would result in me getting very little sleep for the last week or two of summer. Hell, most Sunday nights gave me an upset stomach. Maybe it’s a sign of some great weakness, that’s entirely possible.

Well for the past month, my stomach has been on a bit of a roller coaster ride. One of those shitty ones too, where my head’s rattling between the safety device, that’s meant to keep me on the ride, but may be causing brain damage in the process. That’s how long ago we found out there would be some layoffs at work. D-day is right around the corner, as it was announced that we’d find out this Friday, who stays and who goes. But being that I’m on vacation as of Friday, I get to find out Thursday. Oh, and today is Thursday (I may have started writing this a few days ago) Wait, I have to go throw up again.

I’m back. Friday also happens to be my wife’s birthday, with next week being the Kyd’s 8th and mine is a week after that. Oh, and then there’s Thanksgiving right after that. So really, this is a crappy month to make a family stress. By the time most of you read this, all three of you, I’ll either be ecstatic or ordering another drink.


Maybe the Yankees will hire me; we all know they pay well. There’s a few things I’m definitely not, those being; a Republican, a Yankee fan and tall. But looking at the core of these Yankees, I have to admit, I kinda like those guys. Derek Jeter, Jorge Posada, Mariano Rivera and Andy Pettitte are all class acts. Trust me, admitting that is hard for me. So I offer sincere congratulations to them on winning another title. Hopefully the champagne really hurts A-Rods eyes, and just maybe he can fall off the back of his ride during their parade down the Canyon of Heroes.