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August 07, 2005

A lil Free Poker

So tonight I decided to hit a free poker game at an area bar. Tune up my game if you will, before hitting Vegas next month.

The scene: The Roxy on 75th and Metcalf
The marks: Well, they all knew each other by name. All in all, 44 of how can I say this nicely, the biggest idiots I've ever played with. And one of them is a Met fan, and he was an idiot too.

How it went down: Well to start, theres some chick at my table who also works for the company that puts these games on. Some how she thinks that makes her the poker goddess of KC. I've never heard this much table talk since Starlas birthday game and I had to help teach a friend how to play. Example: First hand of the night, she flops a nut straight. Theres $200 in the pot from blinds, shes first to act. Bets $300. Everyone folds. She states thats how you play at the casino, not like how everyone slow plays at these games. I cant think of anyone I've ever played with that would make that play and think it was smart. Maybe a feeler bet. But to bet more than the pot? The worst she can do is split the pot. Now don't forget, she's a genius in her own mind. Later on I bet $200 with KJ suited preflop. Flop comes with crap, all low cards. So now I bet $500, and she puts on this big production of how she wants to call me cause she knows I'm full of it. Finally lays it down, then the last guy left also lays it down. She shows her A-10, so I showed my KJ. She tells me well, now she's got a read on me and info is worth more than few chips to her. Then proceeds to question my raise. Told her I'll play it the exact same next time. And I think she believed me.

Anyway, after that I just played pretty tight and saw other players get knocked out. Leading up to my biggest hand of the night. With the blinds $500-1000, I limp in with pocket 8s. There's 4 players left pre-flop. And the flop hits 8-8-K. Fargin quads. This guy bets $3000 into me, I acted like a 17 year old girl unsure if she should keep it or hit the clinic before I called. Turns a 7, he bets another $3000. um, yeah I guess I'll call. River? like a 4, some stupid card. What does he do? Yep, another $3000, so now I raise him the rest of my stack which is about $6500 and he calls. He had a king and a 5. Thought his Kings and 8s would hold up. That pretty much set me up.

Got lucky once, and it was at the end when we were heads up. Holding Jack 9, flops comes J-7-10. both check, turn comes 3. I got all in and he calls. Crap, he has Jack-3. Two pair. River comes and its a 7, split pot. At the time we had the same exact chip count. From there on out, I got great cards and pushed. Leading to my first place finish. I'm waiting to hear back from my agent, you know him. Arti Gold, to find out if PokerStars is gonna come correct.

1 comment:

Porqchop said...

This is great... but can you post anything other than information about yourself? The ego has landed.