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October 27, 2005

Cold Case

So the other night I'm watching this show on E! (no Kendall, it wasn't Taradise). A show that wasn't even about gossip, coked up actors, bad movies, or even Anna Nicole. Instead it was about serial killers. And who in their right mind can turn off something that entertaining? So what about this show separates it from the other 486 shown on A&E? Well, Timmy King. Name doesn't ring a bell like most victims names don't. But it was his initials that stood out to me. Saw them before. And the case they were talking about, a killer in the Detroit area in the 70s. Heard about that some where before too. Both in a novel by Glen something or other. (

This marked the first time I had seen or heard anything about these killings outside of Glens book. Usally its the other way around. I'll hear about something and then later on read about it. Or more often I'll hear about something, then check out the movie about it. So the next step was an obvious one. GOOGLE. Found very little about the case, which is surprising. Nearly 30 years later and a serial killer hasn't been caught? Isn't that what blogs are for? Seriously disturbed, obsessive compulsive who want to sound like experts on something. Not that I'd know or anything. And damnit, I've totally lost where I was going with this thanks to K-Dub. But let me leave you with this. Buy the book Snowman's Children and read it.

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