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February 27, 2006

Dancing with the Tad pole

So it was a nice relaxing Sunday evening. Good food, good people, and tv so bad it's good fun. Went over to some friends for some italian and to potentially scar their children. Now you may question the parenting skills of anyone who invites me over, but once you understand that they watch Dancing With The Stars while their 2 little babies are in the room, you know I can't do TOO much damage.

So let me explain why this is entertaing. Beyond the hot girls wearing little clothing, dancing all over the screen. It's watching a married couple and their television viewing habits. The guy who talks the talk of watching his porn, or sports, playing his violent video games being reduced to someone who actually has an opinion on how Drew Lachey should win and Jerry Rice can't dance. Plenty of women play the role of trooper and watch some MNF but you almost never hear "wow Tiki is playing like an MVP" or watching a Jayhawk game"if the Hawks keep letting the Longhorns get open looks from three, they have no chance"

So my question is, will men watch and like anything on tv? Or is it just to please the wife or girlfriend? Even the all mighty Sports Guy has told tales of caving to Sports Gals viewing choices. I mean, this is America. I live alone and I have three tvs. All these couples have atleast 2. Are the men too lazy to just move to another room? Or as long as you're watching it in HD, who cares what it is? Does that explain why people watch..oh..eating contests on HD?! Someone, please explain this to me before I go chase cars.


Porqchop said...

Typical to his reporting style, Hirp left out a couple of important points... not only did he seem to know every dancer's name and bio by heart, but he actually admitted to having developed a crush on one of the contenstants (leading me to believe that he may use of those three TVs at his swinging stud farm to do more than watch poker and gangsta' movies). Additionally, Hirp left out every detail of the ass-pounding he received at the poker table prior to show's end. Amazing how love can make you blind (thanks Jess!).

Gregg said...

I was just bringing my friends some dinner and looking forward to seeing the babies. I had no control over the remote!

Gregg said...

Stacey Keebler on a 50something inch HD TV is not something you walk away from.

Gregg said...

No, the keyword for Drew is "Kendall" or "tadpole" Ask him about tad pole. Grown man with nickanes of Porqchop and Tad pole. Thats manly.

Gregg said...

Cause he's hung like one?

Porqchop said...

My my... you two do have a lot of time on your hands, don't you? I'm sure you know there's an easier way to chat than using the Hirp Blog's comments function (and doesn't that sound like some kind of despicable disease...). Tad. Thunderously Auspicious Delight. Tad. Using it in a sentence, "Porchop has a magnificent Tad Pole.

Porqchop said...

Again... Rick mentions only Drew Leche, not the Hall of Famer Jerry Rice. Something's definitely fishy here.

Gregg said...

So what are other big words they teach at MU? This could be good. There might actually be a reason to send a kid to MU now.

Gregg said...

I thought MU had a great dance program? Classes like Pole Dancing 101. Lap Dance ethics. Happy Econings?

Gregg said...

And for the record, IF I had kids, and if they were gay and wanted to be dancers. I'd be totally fine with that. I see how hard porqchop has it being in the closet.

Porqchop said...

I know one dance they don't teach at MizzSpew... the Victory Dance. Small words, but I'm sure they're foreign to the likes of you!

Gregg said...

So they teach you to shake your ass to land a Jayhawk? I guess they're just admitting thats your best option.

Gregg said...

To quote the great Ice Cube, "gangsters don't dance, we boogie"