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February 02, 2009

Super Bowl Re-hirp

Some random, and not so random, thoughts on last night’s Super Bowl:

Jennifer Hudson was fantastic. I thought about saying she killed it, but that’s just insensitive. She may be Idol alum, but I like her anyway. Can’t imagine how hard that was for her.

Two great finishes in a row, I remember a time when the Super Bowl always ended up being a huge let down with a huge blow out.

Bruce was great at half time, and I’ve never been much of a fan. Watching Bruce and Silvio, lead my cousin and I to discuss who may possibly play half time next year. I see a trend of mostly big acts from the 70’s and 80’s getting the stage to themselves. They’ve had Bruce, Tom Petty, Prince, Rolling Stones, and Paul McCartney since 2005. 2004 was Nipple Gate, and the end of their multi-act half time shows. So who could we see in 2010? Bon Jovi and Billy Joel come to mind, if we stick with the current trend. But I have three more current acts to suggest: Beyonce and Jay Z, Kanye West or Justin Timberlake.

I don’t think the good ol’ boys would allow a rapper, such as Eminem (suggested by my cousin) to have the stage to himself. Plus, it’s almost a guarantee that he’d try to piss off the FCC. Beyonce and Jay are pop royalty, and would totally kill. Kanye is the one rapper who is showmen enough and clean enough to consider. Justin would be fantastic, but Nipple Gate would be front and center and distract from the game and show, so I don’t see that happening, unfortunately.

Best ads: Hulu, Pepsi,, E*trade and Pepsi Max.

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