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March 02, 2009

Random Hirps

Was Nancy Pelosi expecting some sort of prize for jumping to her feet the fastest last night? Or was there just a broken spring in her chair?

Gov. Bobby Jindal, just wondering if you even realize “Americans can do anything” is just about the same as “Yes We Can?”

Saw a story online yesterday, about a 9 year old having a big wedding. At first glance I thought it was some sick and twisted story, and fully expected to be sick to my stomach and furious. Turns out she has terminal cancer, and a big wedding was something she always wanted. So she “married” her best friend, the vows included, “will you take Jose to be your friend, forever and ever?” That’s the most amazing combination of sweet and heartbreaking as I’ve ever heard.

I received some beads at work yesterday; someone was a little too much into the spirit of Mardi Gras. It was that moment I decided, if the Kyd ever drives home with some beads hanging from her mirror, she’s grounded for a year. For each string of beads. I’m just not sure at what age I can safely warn her, without it coming off as “I dare you.” She’s much smarter than me.

Is it easier to make a comedian laugh or a prostitute climax? I shouldn’t watch “Cathouse” on HBO.

This weekend I watched KU wax that MU ass. Hate to say it, but its time for fans of both schools to watch “Battle for Tobacco Road.” Since 1990, KU is 27-14 against MU. When one team is winning 66% of the games, it’s not really a rivalry on the court. (By comparison, since 1990 Duke is 24-22 against UNC) I know KU-MU means a lot to the alumni, students and the residents of the metro area. But KU has pretty much been winning ever since we won the Civil War.

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