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May 08, 2009

How Could I Forget

I left off a highlight of our trip to Mexico by mistake. Maybe it doesn’t really qualify as part of our vacation, as it took place on the journey home. As we boarded the plane in Charlotte (CLT) we couldn’t help but notice the screaming baby in the seats across the aisle from us. Couldn’t have been less thrilled with this situation. That is, until the passengers who would be sitting directly in front of us, took their seats. Three Army Rangers and a Catholic Priest ended up in those seats. The priest looked to be on official God business, in his Cassock (thanks Google) but, along with learning the name of the garment, I also learned it doesn’t have any added significance. And I was hoping it meant we had a big wig. Anyway, even being the agnostic fella that I am, I felt pretty good about these four. At least we had all of our bases covered, and I cracked to them, “this is going to be the safest flight ever.”

This brings me to a common topic of conversation during our recent travels. Everyone knows the story about the plane ditching in the Hudson, but my wife just couldn’t get over the fact that it appeared that none of the passengers/survivors seemed to have paid attention on the flight. Where were there floating devices, formerly known as seat cushions? It’s not as if they only occasionally mention that we’re sitting on a cross functional device.

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