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October 12, 2005

Have it your way

So here's something else that bugs me. Went into Burger King and I noticed something on their menu that baffles me. It seems pretty simple right, you want a beverage with that whopper but, what size do you want? So I ask for a small. No, sorry. They don't have a small. WHAT?! The choices, Medium, Large and Xtra-Large. How the hell does that make any sense, at all?! Really, someone explain this to me. You have the three options, isn't the cup that holds the least a small. Technically. Literally. It's the smallest they carry. But they call it a medium. What the hell is that? Doesn't medium pretty much mean in the middle? I even asked the kid at the cash register, and guess what. He didn't even understand the question. And I actually spoke slowly. He just kept saying, "we start at medium" So, I know our schools are failing. Now I know a few people from the marketing world who will probably be taking a look at this small corner of the web, hopefully they can shed some light on this issue for me. Cause I really can't afford to lose much more hair, especially over something as stupid as this.

1 comment:

Porqchop said...

So... within that scenario... which size are you... and which size am I?