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December 15, 2005

Game on

So a few years back a friend and I kinda came up with this game to help pass the time at work. There's really no winner (not true, I win everytime.) So without further ado, here are the rules.

Take a movie you like that is atleast 15-20 years old. And recast it with todays actors. Not because you actually want to see these movies remade, there's no fad I'd rather see killed off faster than this one.

I'll go first.

The Godfather
Vito Corleone- Christopher Walken
Michael Corleone- Tough one for me, between Adrian Brody and Ed Norton, I'll pick Norton.
Sonny Corleone- Joaquin Phoenix
Tom Hagen- Jeremy Piven
Kay Adams- Charlize Theron
Connie- Jennifer Connely
Luca Brasi- Brad Gilbert
Moe Greene- Sean Penn

1 comment:

Porqchop said...

I'm changing the game slightly. As the current trend is to "remake" hit TV series of the past, I'll be utilizing a boob tube series from the 60s for my casting.

Get Smart

Maxwell Smart - Kevin Spacey
Agent 99 - Kelly Preston (cause I like to look at her)
The Chief - Larry David
Larrabee - Randy Quaid
Agent 13 - Guy Pearce