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January 18, 2006

American Morons

First off, the title of this subject comes from, the much anticipated soon, to be released book of the same name by I dug the title so much I thought I'd borrow (steal?!) it for what I hope becomes an on going feature to this site. A long beloved passion of mine, highlighting morons. By the way, I encourage all of you to check out the link and head over to his blog to read where the origins of the title.

Now, onto the goods. Today's American Moron, none other than New Orleans Mayor Ray Nagin. Now this idiot has stated that Katrina was God's way of paying back America for being in Iraq. For the record, I'm totally against what we're doing in Iraq, our idiot President and well..really not a fan of bad hurricanes either. But let me get this straight. Some idiot in the White House, and his buddies do some stupid crap and Nagin thinks God is taking it out on us? This is the same guy who got all pissed AT Bush for his slow response to the hurricane. Now, call me crazy but, isn't it just ridiculous to lump God and Bush together? Really, if there is a God right now he/she has to be wondering about which was a bigger disaster. Katrina, or Barbara and George getting together that night they made W. Really, I'd have to say W is the last thing I'd like put on my resume if I were God. Wait, I'm getting off point. This just doesn't add up.

Let me recap. W invades Iraq. Katrina invades Nawlins. Nagin get mad at W for his response to Katrina. Now this is where I get lost. How does this become God's way of getting back at us? It was ALL Dubya.

And wait, he wasn't done there. Something about making it a chocolate city, that God wants black people back in New Orleans. What, his killing thousands was just for shits and giggles? How do these jackasses get into office? And shouldn't someone be oh I don't know, maybe helping them craft their message just a little bit?

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