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January 07, 2006 Great Debate

America is divided again. Not since Red States and Blue States, Bush and Kerry, Right and republican has there been an issue like this to split America in two. This time it's even closer because most people, can't even pick between the two.

The question at hand, which is better, The 40 Year Old Virgin or Wedding Crashers. A close call that reminds me of the great Pulp-Gump debate of 95.

Let's get to the tale of the tape:

Steve Carell Star Power Vince & Owen
Something About Mary Best Compared to American Pie with Trent from Swingers
"Know how I know you're gay" Most repeated line "A game called just the tip"
Steve Carell Break-out Star Rachel McAdams
Seth Rogen Scene Stealer Christopher Walken
So that's just the basics. Myself, I choose The 40 Year Old Virgin as both the funnier, and the better movie. Both are great fun but 40 year old just cracks my shit up. For every charecter in the movie, I know someone JUST like that. I can't say the same thing about Crashers. The charecters in 40 Year Old are just more likeable. Vaughn is great, as usual, but really he's playing Trent from Swingers and Wilson is just playing every other role he ever played. And really, I'm not rooting for him to get the girl, as much as I'm rooting for her to step through the screen and into my apartment.
Also, I guarantee you, in a few years when both are on cable, you will not be able to surf by 40 year old. It will be one of the all-time great surf stoppers. You don't need to see it from the start, like Meet The Parents or Fletch, there could be 4 minutes left or 54 and you are done surfing. Sure you'll stop on Crashers but you'll look a little more for something better before returning to it. And that's the test of any great comedy.

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