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October 31, 2007

I'm Trying Here...

I ache, and this isn’t the start of my career as a trashy romance author. I’ve spent the last give days in little boxes hell. There’s been packing, unpacking, lifting and moving. Finally getting settled into the new digs, and it’s looking pretty great. There’s going to be an adjustment period, after all, I lived on the Plaza for about five years. Now I’m back in the ‘burbs. But it’s all good.

Hopefully I can get back to posting on a regular basis. I haven’t seen a movie in ages, so this weekend you can bet your ass I’m seeing American Gangster. I just hope they haven’t raised the prices since my last flick. And there’s a lot of movies out now and coming out that I want to see. Martian Child, Bee Movie, Michael Clayton, Gone Baby Gone, We Own The Night, Fred Claus, and Dan In Real Life. I might need to play hooky and spend a day at the movies. In fact, I think I’m getting the flu right now. Cough, cough.

Now the focus turns to planning a wedding. Should be a trip

Lame post, I know. But I can’t stop singing “Little Boxes” to myself long enough to form any ideas.

October 18, 2007


I haven’t posted in what seems like a month or so, sorry ‘bout that. I’ve been a tad bit busy, getting ready to move and all. Not just once, no, I can’t do anything that simple. First we’re moving my girlfriends place, and then the following week we’ll work on moving my stuff. And in the end, we’ll have our stuff. So yeah, I should warn you now. This post is going to have a lot of comments like that; the things that make you throw up just a little bit in your mouth. The type of comments that sound real cheesy, only they are completely sincere. You’ve been warned, and I don’t want to hear about it later.

This is going to be list of things I’ve noticed since getting engaged. As I said, I don’t want to hear about it.

• I still hate the word “fiancé” but sometimes it really just makes things easier. I came home the other day, this “home” technically being her place, and the buyer was there to do the inspection. They were in the basement, so I just wanted to let them know I was there so they wouldn’t freak out if they saw me on the couch. I said yadda yadda yadda, “this is my girlfriends place.” And I stumbled for a second, more than usual even, because I considered saying fiancé instead. It just sounded more formal and appropriate. Instead I sounded like a doofus leaching off of his girlfriend. And I’m a doofus for countless reasons, but not that.

• There’s really nothing cooler than catching a newly engaged woman constantly looking down at her finger and smiling. The fact she’s engaged to you is what really makes it amazing.

• I was used to being single, and content with it. Only having to think about myself was easy. Owning a home made more sense in the long run, but being single I didn’t really care. The easier way sounded better. Owning a home meant yard work, taxes, responsibility for every little thing and mainly it meant being an adult. I want a home now. I think about a backyard, room for toys, sleepovers and Saturday morning cartoons.

• I even want to start balancing my checkbook, something I haven’t done since Clintons first term. And I will, just as soon as we get a joint account. It’s too late at this point to even try with mine.

• I wasn’t a rat pack, but I collected things. Having all my CD’s, DVD’s and even VHS movies has always been important to me. Getting rid of any of them sounded like a horrible idea. Well, I just tossed the VHS tapes I had purchased DVD’s for and gave up on the idea that I needed to keep them. I sold some CD’s I haven’t listened to since the late 90s and decided if I ever wanted them back for the one or two songs I still like on each, I can just download them. Legally of course.

• I’m about to break some guy code here, but oh well. Going into my last poker game, I was expected to catch a fire storm of shit from the guys. God knows I’ve dished it out over the past three years with an uncountable amount of jokes about kids and marriage. But I pretty much only received was congratulations, and one guy telling me I should have talked to him before so he could talk me out of it. I don’t even know who he was. I even had the 5 year old daughter of our host come up and tap me on the arm and with a big toothless smile say, “congratulations!” Poker night isn’t supposed to have cute moments like that, but it did and it was the first thing I talked about after the game when I got home. Chicks love that shit, but so do we, only we just won’t admit it.

• Another thing about poker night. The drive home after a poor night at the table was always horrible. Reliving every mistake over and over lead to a sleep deprived night. Now there’s something to look forward to when I get home.

• Even my blog has changed. I swear I’m still the same cynical grumpy bastard deep down inside, still the same ol’ Hirp. I’m even looking forward to really getting into the planning of the wedding, because my fingers salivate at the promise of dealing with incompetent and moronic people in an industry I know nothing about.

October 09, 2007

It's a Girl!

No, the title doesn't mean what you think it means. You have to keep reading.

Needless to say (another stupid phrase, if it’s needless to say then why am I saying it and why do you want to read it?) the past few days have been pretty amazing. I don’t know that I’ve ever been this excited. Not just about getting married, but finally being able to live together. We’ve wanted to live together for a while now, but there were some issues with a third party that prevented that from happening. The third party being an ex-husband. Part of me would really love to rant here about everything that took place, but I’m taking the high road and there aren’t rest stops or exits on this road.

So we’re finally going to live together. Mesh my stuff and her stuff, and make it our stuff. It’s gonna be a blast. I’m a guy that actually likes figuring out how to lay out a home, where to put the furniture and more importantly, stereo equipment and video game consoles. Basically, all the things that constitute making a life together are exactly what I’m looking forward to. Even the jokes about my balls, being in a jar or some how no longer belonging to me, that I’ll undoubtedly hear at the next poker game. And let’s be honest, I’ve earned every one of those jokes because I’ve been making them for years.

But Coco, aka Shixa, brings something else to the table, something that is slightly more than a decoration or piece of property we will find a place for. She has a little girl, who I mentioned was such a big help in the Belgium waffle adventure. So for all intensive purporses, I’m basically going to be a dad. Not really a dad, but sorta. She has a father, and I’m not here to push him out of the picture, to replace him, to one up him or steal his thunder. He’s daddy. I’m Greggy, aka G, and that’s all I want to be. I learned a lot when my brother-in-law passed away, and no matter what, you can’t replace someone’s father. Good dads, bad dads, over-bearing pops, or wrapped around a littler finger. It doesn’t matter, there’s one dad. All I can do, and all I want to do is be a friend and hopefully a positive role model. That probably requires I say “fuck” a little less frequently. Shit. Do I hide my Tupac CDs? Do I have to give away Grand Theft Auto? Do I need a belt clip for my cell phone? When is the appropriate time to teach her how to play poker? I think I might be sick.

But we were talking last night, as we watched “Two And a Half Men,” and Jake was fielding calls from some girl. I asked her how kids did that these days, how do t hey get go through the agony of calling someone for the first time and having to deal with a parent that answers the phone, in a day and age where so many house holds don’t have a home phone. So we briefly talked about what age would be right to get her daughter her first cell phone.

Now, call me old fashion, but I can’t picture giving her one before she’s 16. It’s probably not old fashion, I’m sure it has to do with the fact that I couldn’t have a pager at 14, and if I couldn’t then she shouldn’t have the equivalent. That’s mature huh? But then it went from talking about cell phones, to wondering when boys would start calling and she’d start dating. I’m looking forward to that less than I’m looking forward to my next dentist appointment. And I can put off a dentist appointment like a procrastinating champion.

This is a great kid I’m talking and worrying about. She’s funny, sweet, super smart and ornery as hell. Boys are going to be interested, and I want them to be. I hope her generation has such good taste; I just don’t want her to be interested. She should spend her time reading, studying, learning karate, cheering for the Mets, making money in after school card games so she can pay for school when she goes to KU and sees them finally win a National Championship. Then she can become the General Manager for the Mets and get me a World Series Title. No pressure though. Or she can do whatever she wants, just as long as she waits to date. Nothing unreasonable, same deal I made with my nieces. No boys until she’s 35 or I’m dead, whichever happens last.

October 03, 2007

She Said Yes!!!

I try to be pretty open and honest on my blog, and that includes touching upon pretty personal items from time to time. But a few weeks ago, I began a process that I just couldn’t write about. I wanted to, but it’s a surprise. Then today it dawned on me, I could start writing my posts as I normally would, only I won’t post them till the appropriate time. Could make for some interesting reading.

September 28th, 2007

I bought a ring. I wish I had started writing about this from the start, a few weeks ago when I started looking around with a friend of mine, but no one’s perfect.

Now let me say it again. I bought a ring. Did you hear me? I purchased a ring. Um, I don’t wear jewelry. So you may have pieced this together, the ring isn’t for me. It’s what they call an engagement ring. How ya like them apples?

I don’t have it yet, but it’s scheduled to arrive next week. And next Saturday I have scheduled a night with some friends, and at some point during this evening I will ask a pretty significant question.

There’s something worth mentioning here. I’ve always been pretty anxious, in all sorts of situations. It’s just in my DNA. Playing poker, I still get anxious. I’ve skipped more meals than Nicole Richie, when I’ve had to make big decisions. But I haven’t missed a meal since I started thinking that this is what I wanted to do. Translation, I’m not at all nervous about this. Now, that might change come next Saturday when it’s time to pop the question, but the fact that I’m not nervous now is pretty huge.

September 30th

I’m sure it’s not a fact, I haven’t done any studies or even Google it. But ever since I purchased the ring, I think one out of three commercials on the radio has been about weddings, engagement rings or something matrimonial in nature. Kind of like when you're hungry, all you hear about is food.

October 2nd

So the ring was ordered from an jeweler in Ohio, and was to arrive via UPS today. I gave my parent address, because I just don’t seem to be around my place often. I checked online to see the status, and found that they had attempted to deliver it but no one was there to sign for it. Sonuvabitch. Okay, no big deal. I called and found out I can go by UPS and pick it up tonight. Oh wait, not till 8:30. That’s not real convenient. Also just found out that my shixa (girlfriend) just received an offer on her condo, which has been on the market for a few months. I really want to do this tonight. If she decides to sell, that’s just fine. But she should have all the info right?

I get the ring, and I’ve spent all day debating how to do it. Finally, I picked the way that seemed to fit us both as well as a sure fire way to surprise her. This is important to me. Not to knock those other guys and couples, but I never wanted to be a guy who went ring shopping with the girl. I don’t want her to know its coming. Which I’m hearing now, is really pretty brave of me. We haven’t discussed marriage, so there is a chance I could get a less than desirable answer. I know the chances of this are slim and none, but I have to entertain the idea.

I’m actually not going to discuss the how in this forum. That’s a story for the soon-to-be Mrs. Hirp to share.

She said yes, and that’s all that matters. Now if you don’t I mind, I have a wedding to plan. Could make for some interesting reading.