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October 31, 2007

I'm Trying Here...

I ache, and this isn’t the start of my career as a trashy romance author. I’ve spent the last give days in little boxes hell. There’s been packing, unpacking, lifting and moving. Finally getting settled into the new digs, and it’s looking pretty great. There’s going to be an adjustment period, after all, I lived on the Plaza for about five years. Now I’m back in the ‘burbs. But it’s all good.

Hopefully I can get back to posting on a regular basis. I haven’t seen a movie in ages, so this weekend you can bet your ass I’m seeing American Gangster. I just hope they haven’t raised the prices since my last flick. And there’s a lot of movies out now and coming out that I want to see. Martian Child, Bee Movie, Michael Clayton, Gone Baby Gone, We Own The Night, Fred Claus, and Dan In Real Life. I might need to play hooky and spend a day at the movies. In fact, I think I’m getting the flu right now. Cough, cough.

Now the focus turns to planning a wedding. Should be a trip

Lame post, I know. But I can’t stop singing “Little Boxes” to myself long enough to form any ideas.

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