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December 08, 2008

Hirp the System

So the Juice isn’t loose. OJ has finally been squeezed. Paybacks a bitch, right? Well, shockingly enough, I think that whole thing is complete and utter BS. Did OJ break the law? Sure, and he should go to jail for what he did. But the law should be above vengeance. The system shouldn’t carry a grudge and OJ shouldn’t be looking at spending as much as 30 years in prison.

Of course I don’t know all the facts, hell, I probably know like four or five at the most. I know this much, he took some stuff from a moron who stole from him. I know he brought some friends with him to a hotel room, and one of the guys brought a gun, while another genius brought a tape recorder. Wait a second, time out right there, who goes to Vegas and brings a tape recorder? Better question is, who the hell still has a tape recorder? That guy must have purchased that recorder back in ’94 and always carried it on him, just incase he happened to be invited to commit a felony. Now I know there are some really stupid criminals out there, but one who audio tapes his crime, well he’s at the top (or maybe it’s the bottom) of that list. Really, you know he had that recorder on him, because once he knew he’d be around OJ, he saw dollar signs. And now he had a chance to record an angry Juice, how much would that be worth to the paparazzi? At least a few grand.

So this “over the hill” gang finds out that someone who stole from OJ is staying at the lovely Palace Station. They’re in Vegas for a wedding, having a few drinks I assume, and came up with the master plan of knocking on their door and demanding his items back. This sounds more like a story of how alcohol can make us do stupid things than criminal conspiracy, one of his five charges. Hell, OJ was even seen in the courtroom halls chatting with the “victim.”

Of course all three co-defendants make deals, and Clark County throws, not just the book at OJ, but the entire library. They, of course, convict OJ and sentence him to a total of 33 years in prison, with the possibility of parole in about 9 years. Just the possibility though, we all know he’ll serve more than 9. Why? Because he deserves to, duh. I mean, he did kill Ron Goldman and Nicole Brown, everyone knows that.

Only I thought the law was supposed to give us justice, not even the score. Look, the guys that carjacked me (and I think 3 or 4 others that weekend) saw their “ring leader” do 8 years. They actually shot someone that night, stole 3 or 4 cars at gunpoint and ran from the po-po’s. 8 years versus a guy with no priors, who wasn’t holding the gun and is still friendly with his “victim” and he’s looking at possibly spending 33 years in prison.

They didn’t convict OJ of stealing memorabilia, they evened the score. And that isn’t justice. Of course OJ should have done time for killing two people in Brentwood, but the system failed then. But the system just failed again. Revenge is fine, I totally understand and appreciate revenge. That’s just human nature, and if Fred Goldman wanted to hire someone to cut of OJ Simpsons’ head, that’d closer to “justice” than the state of Nevada cleaning up California’s mess 13 years later.

OJ going to jail is the ending every wanted to see, and no one (other than the Judge in Nevada) is trying to deny it, but we’re supposed to at least act like we want more from our legal system. We’re supposed to turn to our legal system RATHER than seek revenge, not for it. Yet this is widely acceptable in our society now. Maybe it’s because our President was willing to send troops to die so he could avenge his father’s nemesis, or maybe because it makes for the most entertaining story.

The only people, I think, that have the right to be pleased with this outcome are the families of Ron Goldman and Nicole Brown. Not because they finally got the bastard, but because maybe now they can be left alone. If the public really wants justice for the victims, then Judge Ito, Marcia Clarke, Mark Furhman and OJ Simpson should all be doing time. Together, they killed two people and let the killer get away with it while making millions of dollars off the crime and absence of punishment.

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