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July 23, 2009

KU, Obama and Links. Oh my

Last weekend some old friends came in to town, and we had a great time. Saturday afternoon we all went up to Lawrence, which was the Kyd’s first trip to Larry town. First of all, I’ve never seen a kid do so well when hanging out with only grown ups. She did it in Mexico, and she hit another Home Run last weekend. It’s remarkable to see her really connect with our friends, and carry on real conversations. But aside from getting a little bored by our trip down memory lane, she really enjoyed Lawrence. She probably didn’t love us telling her about “when you come here” as much as we enjoyed saying it. But really, she better not ever dance on a bar on Mass or live in one of those sorority houses.

I was 12, when I went to visit my cousin at UCLA, and I fell in love with that school right then. The Kyd has had a soft spot in her heard for KU, for at least as long as I’ve been around, and probably longer since she’s got such a great and intelligent mother. I really hope that she looks back on that day trip and smiles, for years to come. Now I have to figure out how we’d ever afford for her to attend KU. Brilliant Kyd, wonder if we can just assume she’ll get a full ride scholarship.


So President Obama held a press conference on health reform last night, and I watched some of it. Bad American, I know, sue me. Here’s what drives me nuts (among 453,248 other items). Those Americans who are against doing anything that another country manages to do successfully. It’s “socialist” or “fascism”. Puh-lease. Even if the idea is borrowed from a Socialist Government, it doesn’t make the idea a bad one. Tinkering with the way we do things is also how we make progress. I don’t know anyone who is happy with how things are these days, and I’ve read plenty of comments from people who want to go “back to when…” And on occasion, a step back is actually progress. But to just run back to “then” because the unknown is scary, that’s just straight up cowardly. And to sound all patriotic, for just a second, that isn’t what our fore (or in some cases, four) fathers had in mind.

We were watching a “Mythbusters” last week, in which they were answering the challenges of all the conspiracy theorists, who believe we never made it to the Moon 40 years ago. They debunked all those claims by the way, but it got my wife and I talking. We haven’t done anything like that since. Even if there’s no big pay day in doing it again, we should go back to the moon. Let’s inspire the kids, or the next generation, and show them we’re a people that can really get some amazing shit done. Some times we do it just ‘cause we can, but at least they’ll learn that (pause for effect) Yes We Can.


This is one disgusting story: Sisters married the same guy, like, at the same time. No, really. I mean it. Yep, you just threw up in your mouth a little too, sorry. Might be time we consider selling off Utah to help with the National Debt.

Here is one of my new, daily visit required, favorite sites:

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