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August 28, 2010

Game on Beck-heim

Religion belongs in politics, like children belong in porn. I seriously mean that, and I’m not just talking young kids, I mean the 16 and 17 year olds too. First off, it’s wrong, and against every moral value we supposedly stand on. It’s also gross and hugely offensive. But that’s what “Restoring Honor,” brought to us by that Glenn Beck tool, is all about. He’s such a humble guy, he was telling us ahead of time how this was going to change the country.

Of course, I don’t think Beck believes that. I don’t think he really believes most of the garbage he spews. Look at his back ground, it isn’t one of a journalist. He isn’t a professor or even a college graduate. He’s an entertainer, who plays the role of a leader of some kind. Glenn Beck isn’t Jesus, he isn’t Jon Stewart and he isn’t Anderson Cooper. He most closely resembles Howard Stern, just a shock jock. Only Stern is funny while being offensive, and Beck is just dangerous.

Beck earned a reported $32 million last year. Earning such a healthy wage is his right, though not God given, just American given. But when someone, with no training in reporting, is able to pull such an insane amount of cash, you have to start wondering why. It’s not, as he often says, because the truth hurts. In fact, the truth doesn’t hurt at all, it’s living a lie that hurts.  The money is a motive, like it often is, to bend the rules. Not so much laws, but to start emphasizing aspects of one’s self. Like a porn star getting a boob job. I’m sure Beck is a fan of the Constitution and a conservative fella, I just don’t actually believe he agrees with every stance he takes. But for $32 million, I might even tell you I’m a Nascar fan who rocks Zubuz on the weekend.

You know how they say teenage drivers act like “it won’t happen to me?” Well, that’s how most of us really act when it comes to the country going to shit. If you listen to past generations, it’s been going to shit since this thing got up and running. But no one really thinks they’ll see the collapse of the country in their lifetime. We’re not Russia for crying out loud. And this is just how Beck thinks. It won’t happen, but why not make a few bucks jumping up and down crying fire in a crowded theatre, it’s a pretty good paying gig.

So now he’s going to restore our honor, and I’m not even sure what that means.  We had honor? When did we lose and who took it? Oh that’s right, the non-believers.  Even though a recent report states that roughly 75% of adults in this country would call themselves Christians, there’s some how a lack of believers in America, and we need to find God so bad, that we should throw out a few of our core fundamentals. Freedom of religion? Gone, and see ya later Seperation of Church and State. Only what happens when you combine religion and decision making? You get Iran, or Hamas, you get the nut bags and extremist.

We have had our boots in the sand in Saudi Arabia for 20 years. And what, it’s just a coincidence that 15 of the 19 terrorists on 9/11 were from Saudi Arabia? Right, and it was just a coincidence that the SS worked for Hitler. But when an Imam states that America has blood on its hands, as well, that’s just the most offensive thing since “your momma was a snow blower.” We have blood on our hands. We fight wars, and over stay our welcome, that’s what happens.

Most Americans aren’t far right or far left, we’re pretty much in the middle. But if you listen to either side, you’re either with em, or against em. Never mind the fact that most of us want the same things. A job, a safe place to raise our families, a future we can be excited about, and for anyone with 13 items in the 12 items or less lane to be shot on site. But saying that doesn’t get ratings and therefore it doesn’t make money. If 75% of us are believers and wanted religion in our politics, we’d be a one party system by now. Funny how that hasn’t happened.

If we could just exorcise  religion from politics only, we could debate issues and decide what makes sense to us, and which Church one prays at would be as relevant as which football team we root for. Instead, we actually spend time polling Americans to see how many think Obama is a Muslim. I wish, when asked about his religious beliefs, President Obama would have said nunya. It’s simply none of our business. Only you can’t get elected if you keep your religious beliefs to yourself, or your marital issues inside your marriage.

End result? Rather than Beck, and most of us, being right that America won’t really fall in to an abyss in our lifetimes. Well, it just fucking might. Lord help us. Oh, and like George Carlin, when I pray, I pray to Joe Pesci. 

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