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September 10, 2010

Really, Never Forget.

Nine years. Can’t believe how fast it’s gone by and how much has changed, in both, the country and my own life. Nine years ago I was scared shitless, as we all were. Today, I’m still scared, perhaps even more so. And I’m also pissed. In the days, weeks and months after 9/11, I saw countless “Never Forget” bumper stickers. Sadly, it was a promise we didn’t keep. Oh, we remember the gory details. I bet more Americans remember the flight numbers of those doomed planes, than they remember that the Alamo doesn’t have a basement.
We just forgot everything else that we promised to “never forget.” We forgot courage, kindness and decency. 

Shame on us. As scared as I was in the aftermath of watching that iconic image wiped off the face of the earth, there was a sense of pride in my country that I felt, and felt around me. Unlike the North and South Towers, there’s no footprint remaining. We should be ashamed of ourselves. Remembering who took the towers down, and attacked the Pentagon as well as killed those innocent men and women in a field in Pennsylvania, that was never going to be forgotten. Just as no one has forgotten who killed 12 million men, women and children during World War II.

Remember how your political party wasn’t important? You cared about your friends, your co-workers and your neighbors. Even the ones you didn’t really get along with before 9/11.  If you had to travel, you were understanding of the waits at the airport, and you appreciated them. Life slowed down, just the right amount. We kept moving forward, because shit, we had to, only we took time to appreciate the fact that we could move forward. Even if that meant carrying guilt.

We were angry, and rightfully so. We wanted the bastards that did this to us. But at some point we lost sight of who that was. It was a select number of assholes, who had long left the reservation. It wasn’t everyone who prayed like they did, or lived in the same country. In fact, the country they came from was a friend. We wanted to wage war, and avenge our fallen. America, fuck yeah, let’s roll. So we rolled on em. Only we never took time to ask why. Why did they feel so much hatred towards us? So much that they’d give up their own lives, to take out innocent victims on our side. That’s a whole new level of hate. Above and beyond what we felt towards those damn Russians in the good ole days.

Nothing makes more sense, than to ask why. If you work with someone that doesn’t like you, maybe you know why, or maybe you guys just don’t mesh. Fine, that’s life. Now if that guy wants to knock you the fuck out, you might want to figure out what’s caused these feelings. So, you know, you can prevent him from pushing your teeth down your throat. Chances are, the hate doesn’t stem from the fact that your cube has a view, and his doesn’t. Even if he does end up punching you, it’s good to understand what you did to push him to that action. Not because he’s sane, but because you have to worry about the crazies. Crazies have a long history of fucking things up for the rest of us.

Just recently, I was re-watching Bowling for Columbine. Those two kids had it rough, as do so many kids in high school.  What they did wasn’t at all a logical response, but it was a response none the less. And it’s the illogical responses you have to worry about. Every action could have a completely insane reaction. It doesn’t normally happen, but when it does, you’re sure going to remember it. So be a little proactive, and try not to piss off the crazies.

We didn’t do that. We still don’t do t hat, and that’s why we feel just in burning Korans or telling Muslims where they can build. It’s not the logical, peace loving Muslims we have to worry about offending. It’s creating another Osama Bin Laden, or worse yet, someone else who is willing to fly a plane into one of our buildings. Or worse.

(In regards to Park51, build the damn thing. 71% of American’s are against it? Fine, build it quickly. How many Americans were for abolishing slavery at the time? How many fought against Civil Rights? America isn’t about doing what’s popular, or it shouldn’t be. It’s about doing the right thing. Or so I was taught. They aren’t comfortable? So, they’ll adjust. Don’t be a dick about it, but since when has religion cared about making everyone happy.)

We promised to never forget, and we haven’t kept that promise. That doesn’t mean it’s too late. Try to think back to how you treated people on 9/12. What was important then can be important again. Rebuilding, be it a building or an economy, isn’t just about speed. It’s about doing it right. Keeping the good stuff in mind, and not just making dolla dolla bills ya’all.

I just realized I wrote a similar post  last year  and I’m going to keep saying it, because I haven’t forgotten. 

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