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April 19, 2011


I never meant to take this blog in such a political direction. I’ve always enjoyed arguing about politics, but that’s probably because I just like to argue anyway. I’m trying to take this back to concentrating on pop culture as well as some personal experiences and thoughts, but it’s a process. So if you’re not interested in my ranting on politics, it won’t offend me if you surf off to another site. But please come back soon.

Okay, so there’s still all these “birthers” out there. These people drive me nuts. They claim that President Obama hasn’t proven that he was born in America, which he has. I don’t want to get into all the proof; instead I think I’ll just make fun of them. If not seeing Obama’s original birth certificate is reason to doubt that he’s a natural born American citizen, here are some beliefs that make complete sense, using the same logic:

You haven’t see Obama’s penis, you’re free to doubt that he’s in fact a man.

You haven’t seen Glenn Beck have sex with his wife, so it’s okay to doubt that he’s straight.

There’s no birth certificate on file for a Jesus Christ, or a Jesus H. Christ. So it makes sense to doubt his existence.

I’ve never seen Donald Trump work, so I doubt he’s earned his money legally.

We didn’t see any signed documents by Osama Bin Laden, signing off on 9/11, so I’m not crazy to doubt he planned it.
I’ve been involved in political conversations with conservatives, and from time to time, I’ve referenced something said by Bill Maher, Jon Stewart, Stephan Colbert or Lewis Black. Then been teased for listening to comedians. Okay, if that’s a valid dig, what does it say about those who listen to Glenn Beck, Rush Limbaugh or Sean Hannity? Let’s go to the tale of the tape:
Maher, Stewart, Colbert and Black have degrees from Cornell, William & Mary, Northwestern and Yale. None of the four have been divorced, and as far as I know, none of them have been addicted to drugs. Take Beck, Limbaugh and Hannity and you have what? Zero degrees, seven marriages and two confirmed drug addictions. So if I’m wrong for listening to some educated guys who make me laugh, while sharing their often on point opinion, that’s fine.

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