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April 08, 2011

Quality Television

It’s like my birthday, only a few months later. While some of my favorite television shows, recently had their seasons come to an end, a new promising show has surfaced and the “Friday Night Lights” season 5 DVD has been released. I know, I’m pretty stupid for not being able to wait till April 15th and watch an episode a week on NBC, but Netflix has spoiled me. Being able to get wrapped up in a series, and watch multiple episodes a night, and even watch entire seasons within a week, it’s like they reinvented how to watch TV.

The shows that came to an end: “Californiacation” “Southland” and “Shameless.” A formidable trio, make no mistake. So now I have my beloved FNL in the mail, and last Sunday AMC launched what looks to be another home run, “The Killing.” While “The Killing” isn’t an easy watch, it’s so well done. Fantastic acting from mostly unfamiliar faces, and a few that you know you’ve seen only you can’t place them, and phenomenal writing in the first two episodes.

The promos centered on the mystery side, “who killed Rosie Laresen?” And I think this is a mistake, we’ve seen that before with “Twin Peaks.” This is everything Law & Order ever wanted to be. Gritty and real, and shows us all sides of a horrendous situation. Best of all, it won’t be resolved in 46 minutes. AMC shows don’t need gimmicks or marketing to sell me, they have something better: quality. “Breaking Bad” and “The Walking Dead” are two of the best shows of the last decade, easy. I have to admit that I haven’t watched “Mad Men” yet. I’m saving it for a long weekend; I can’t imagine so many people I respect could be so wrong.

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