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March 31, 2011

Opening Day

Okay, I'm cheating. I'm re-posting something I wrote in 2006. Why? Because the 2011 Mets are going to be so depressing, I'd rather just think of the '06 season. Why 2006? Well, for starters, I didn't blog in 1986, and '06 was filled with such promise. We were the best team that year, I don't care who won the World Series. Fact is, the best teams don't always win the championships. You know this, man. Without further adu: (what the hell is ado?)

So it's Opening Day 2006. A day that should be a National Holiday. Yet, I came to work anyway. Surprisingly I'm not all that excited about it this year. Mainly cause I have some other things on my head. But I'm still pretty pumped. Got a good feeling about my Mets. Although, to be a Met fan is to always have a good feeling on Opening Day with another feeling deeper in the gut you don't want to face. That, crap it could all fall apart in 30 seconds feeling. And with Pedro, that feeling is always there.
But let me explain why Opening Day, or the first day of any sport season is exciting. In life, we get New Years Day. And everyone makes resolutions for this "new year" when in fact the only change is in the calendar, and taxes. You don't get a fresh start. Work doesn't start over. It just keeps moving along. But in sports, every team has a chance. Every bad year is erased, and everyone starts off with the same stats. The same hopes and goals. Even the Royals are taking the field today with the same goal as the Yankees. And with every new season you know there's gonna be some memorable games, personal seasons, great stories, horrible tragedies and big surprises. And even if your team sucks something awful, or you live 1500 miles away from your team. You go to a ballpark, eat a dog, talk to some friends and have a good time. Argue meaningless stats, compare the new breed to the guys you loved as a kid. And sometimes for a few minutes you actually go back to being a kid.
So there it is. Why I love Opening Day. Some other time I'll let bitter Hirp out to talk about how I'm not the baseball, or sport fan I used to be. As well as my opinion of the proposed roof for the stadiums in KC. But for today, Lets Go Mets!
ps- 20 years since 86?! God damn I'm feeling old.

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