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March 01, 2011


I was watching “The Daily Show” and Jon Stewart was showing clips of various Congressmen and political analysts pissing and moaning about how teachers are paid so well, and receive such great benefits for doing such little work. They especially like to compare teachers to “the private sector.” So over my lunch break I did a little research.

Turns out that on average, members of Congress are paid $174,000 a year. Also, on average over the last nine years, Congress meets 140 days a year. While, typically, school is in session 180 days a year. Then teachers also have an absolute ton of “in-service days.” (at least it feels that way)

So in Wisconsin, teachers are paid an average of $51,000 and an additional $25,000 in benefits for a grand total of $76,000. Meanwhile Congress receives over $230,000 when benefits are taken into consideration, for working less than teachers. Too bad they aren’t a part of a Union.

Let’s cut some spending, and pay Congress that inflated salary that we pay teachers.


Anonymous said...

Are you implying that inservice days are a day off? Sitting in meetings for 8 hours straight sure as hell doesn't feel like a day off. I'd rather have kids any day! Good point though... damn congressman.

Gregg said...


No, my point was that is 180 work days PLUS a million in-service.

Anonymous said...


No idea, apparently that is what my google account is registered under..

Anonymous said...

You got a lot of good ideas, think of ways to cut school budgets without increasing class size. We have a town meeting coming up and they are asking for input..

some suggest ideas they've mentioned so far:

Four day school weeks
Having kids walk longer to school, and having more kids walk (saving money on buses)
Reduction in Staff...

I know that creative mind of yours can save our jobs..:)