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March 01, 2011


Would you cast Charlie Sheen to play Gaddafi, or Gaddafi to play Sheen?

Is there any chance, any chance at all, that Sheen is pulling off some Jaquin Phoenix type gag? Only we’ve all fallen for it? This is either the most grandiose breakdown or brilliant prank. Vegas can’t take odds, because they’re so obviously in bed with Sheen. Also, that’s why we won’t see his death date in the sports book.

Charlie Sheen is so crazy (how crazy is he?) Joe Jackson is claiming to be his father. He’s so crazy, that Glenn Beck…nah, he’s not that crazy.

Charlie Sheen has put a good spin on being bi-polar, the condition will be renamed “bi-winning.” Or “Sheen” for short.

My advice to CBS, forget “Two and a Half Men” and give Sheen a talk show.

The good news, I’m pretty sure no one will be naming their son “Charlie” for the next three to five years.

List of things Charlie Sheen has done: Shot Kelly Preston, ordered a suitcase full of coke (one that we know of, likely more), purchased 2,615 seats at an Angels game for himself and three friends so he could increase their odds of catching a home run, received an offer for a baseball scholarship to the University of Kansas, admittedly spent $53,000 on prostitutes from Heidi Fleiss, been arrested three times and he once owned the ball Mookie Wilson hit that went under Bill Buckner’s legs. That’s “winning.”

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