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February 22, 2011

All Over the Place

So on this here blog; I use a site that tracks visitors. I get an idea of how many, where they are, and how they found their way to the site. It’s just for my own curiosity. This morning I checked it, and I had a visitor whose IP Provider is listed as “Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute.” The KAERA is located in South Korea, for a second I was worried that I’d end up on some CIA list, and maybe I will. They read a post about Adam Sandler movies. This is all very odd to me, and makes me fear for South Korea.


I was reading about Moammar Gadhafi last night, just some late night dictator reading. That’s completely normal, right? I realize Wikipedia isn’t the most credible source, but I’ll take it over Fox News. The weirdest thing I read, was about his bodyguards. He has a 40 bodyguard contingent, known as the Amazonian Guard. This “guard” is made up of all women, and to qualify for duty, the women must be virgins. He hand picks them, and they’re trained in firearms and martial arts at a special academy.

What is the deal with virgins, especially with terrorists? Hoping mom doesn’t read this post, but I’ll risk it. If you guys (and if I have a reader in South Korea, maybe the Middle East isn’t too far off) are wanting virgins for sexual purposes, well, you’re looking at this all wrong. You don’t want 40 guarding you,or 72 virgins in death. You need one good slut while you’re on this planet. Luckily, this is one product America has a surplus of. So, Moams (can I call you that?) and all you terrorists in training: Stop, give up your obsession with virgins. Give Charlie Sheen a call, come out to California and party with the guy. I’m trying to save lives here, and Sheen could use the good PR.


How is this still an issue? A recent poll shows that 51% of likely GOP primary voters don’t believe that President Obama was born in the United States. This tells me that they’ve realized that he’s doing a good job, that they just don’t like him. It could be that he’s a Democrat, I don’t expect them to be fans of any “leftists.” Or maybe it’s a little deeper than that, and they just can’t handle the idea of a black President.

They’re a funny bunch, those “Conservatives.” I realize there’s a significant difference, but I wonder what percent of them believe George W. Bush is a Texan. Dubya was born in Connecticut, finished high school in Connecticut and went to college where? Oh, Connecticut. I realize he spent most of his “formative” years in Texas. Again, I understand that the Constitution states you must be born in the United States of America to be President, which Obama was, it’s just funny to me that if you’re born here you can adopt a hometown of your choice.

I’m not some political analyst, nor do I play one on TV (Beck, and make no mistake, he’s acting) but, I can’t help myself. If I wanted a Republican candidate who could win, wouldn’t I want someone who’s more to the middle? My wife and I were talking about the nut job extremists on the right, who seem to have taken complete control of the party. Of course, both sides have extremists, and extremists of any kind are a bad thing.

What if there was a Republican that was fiscally conservative and preached the smaller government gospel, yet who was also socially, well, aware to be honest? Someone who was Pro-Choice, supported gay marriage and healthcare reform. I mean, if they really believe the Government shouldn’t be involved in our personal lives, let’s see a Republican tell us how that includes abortion and who the people want to marry. Talk about jobs, then talk about jobs some more. After that, go ahead and mention jobs a few more times. Just seems to me, and I haven’t done any polling here, but if you want to win over the voters who left your party in 2008 and voted for Obama, that you’d want to appeal to their sensibilities.

Forget the party, as if that’s possible, isn’t going to the center better for the country? If you’re going to unite us, the common ground is in the middle. That’s why Obama didn’t push harder for the single payer option. That’s why Obama made the deal and we have the Bush tax cuts still. I get it, if you stay on point and make the so called “base” happy, you’ll get their votes. Call me crazy, I just don’t think either base represents what the majority of the county wants.

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