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December 12, 2005

What a pisser

So I was watching The Big Idea With Donny Deutsch, and he was talking to KU alum, Bob Dole. Notice, we celebrate he's KU alum, yet ignore he's a republican. Anyway, they were talking about the fact that Bob was a pitchman for Viagra, and now DITKA is doing Levitra ads, so Donny comments that a guy has to be comfortable in his own skin to do those kind of commercials. So far, nothing funny I know. But he says this while wearing a purple shirt. A purple shit?! Okay, first thought. For wearing K States colors, Bob should have swung his lifeless arm with the pen, right into Donny's eye. Secondly. How comfortable in your skin do you have to be to wear purple anyway!? Call Vegas, tell them to put this on the book. Guy gets some wearing purple shirt vs guy gets some taking viagra. My money is on the viagra guy every time.


Porqchop said...

Buying you a purple shirt for Christmas.

Gregg said...

So we can match?