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January 05, 2006

End of an era

7 years 2 months and 22 days. That was my sentence. That was the bid I served. Sure I made friends with some of the other inmates. And no, I never picked up any bar of soap in the shower. I did however, set a few fires. Figuratively and literally. But I've been paroled. It may not exactly have been for good behavior, but fuck it. Time served. Free at last, free at last. You know the rest right? But really, a few people are probably expecting, maybe even wanting, some long anti-Lenscrafters rant. And I'm not kidding myself, its not that I'm above that. In fact it would be VERY me. But this is it. I'm glad to be moving on to bigger and better. And I hate to get all mushy, but there were some bright spots. Mainly the people. Yes, the same guy who daily said "I fucking hate people," is actually a guy now saying he's gonna miss SOME of the people. New and old, they know who they are.

So I am currently enjoying a week of unemployment. My new job at Sprint doesn't start until the 9th. So its not really unemployment. But it's been kinda nice. Let's see, I've played poker 3 times (lost a total of $36) Been out for drinks now, 3 nights (including New Years Eve) I've watched both The 40 Year Old Virgin and Wedding Crashers. Saw one helluva National Championship Game. Saw the wrong team win. And I don't get it. Finally Bush loses, yet Texas still wins? Can't we just give the state back to Mexico? And it's only Wednesday. Tomorrow, yep, more poker. Some XBox. Very good chance I'll be eating some pizza at some point. "Pizza again Gregg?" Damn straight. Might even go see my kids.

I've been told I should be updating my blog every day, since well. I don't have much else to do. But there just isn't much going on. It is time however for the top 10 movies of 05. I'll post that either tomorrow or later tonight.

1 comment:

Porqchop said...

You forgot to mention the nude gay art show you attended (or was it a midnight rape?).