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November 27, 2006

Bi-Polar Weather

We are so going to pay for this. It was like 70 degrees here yesterday, and is supposed to be that nice again today. This can’t go unpunished. The weather in Kansas City is bi-polar, today is great, but I already know it’s supposed to drop down to like 19 degrees on Thursday. Seriously, those who don’t live here can’t even imagine. Within 48 hours, we’ll go from wearing short sleeve shirts, to winter coats and hats. We’ll probably even see some snow.

On one hand, you hate to bitch about it. Should I really have a complaint when we get a couple days in the 70s in late November? I think I do. For starters, I’m good at complaining. If you didn’t think so, you wouldn’t be reading this blog. I have family in San Diego, its like 72 degrees year-round there. Am I jealous? You bet I am. That’s why days like yesterday are so unfair. Don’t show me how life could be. That isn’t helping me at all.

I might not like winter, but we should have it anyway. That way I can know when it’s over. And to give us such great weather over a long weekend, probably cut my productivity in half this Monday. And I probably wasn’t going to be all that productive anyway.

So, I’m 30 now. All growns up, and when you’re all growns up, you’re all growns up. I don’t feel wiser. My hip isn’t bothering me. I didn’t feel the desire to get to Dennys for the Early Bird Special. Nor was I offered any discounts at the movies. But I had a pretty damn good birthday. Every time I celebrated it. Really, I’ve never been someone who liked being the center of attention or made big deals about my birthdays. But from the Vegas trip, to going out with some friends last weekend a couple nights, to a Wednesday afternoon boat trip, and ending in a dinner at Italian Delight. It’s been quad-aces every step of the way. (quad-aces is a pretty damn good hand for those that don’t get the poker lingo) And hopefully I’ll be updating my blog on a more regular basis now

1 comment:

Porqchop said...

Yes - Hirp - Expecting more frequent updates now that you're old and can't go out after dark...