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November 09, 2006

Hirp on...

Holy crap! I haven't posted in a week. And I wasn't even in a coma. There’s no real reason for the delay. Maybe its writers block or maybe it’s just a boring life catching up with me, either way there hasn’t been anything to say. Hopefully this weekend I’ll see Borat, I’m pretty sure I’ll have a few thoughts after that. I finally watched Da Ali G show for the first time last weekend. It took a good two or three years of a friend telling me how great it was before I finally caved. And well, it’s not THAT great, but it’s pretty damn funny. Mostly the Borat sketches. It’s a scientific fact that Jews are the funniest people on the planet. It also helps that most the scientists are Jewish.


It sounds trivial and probably doesn’t make sense. But I judge a computer mainly by the sound of the keyboard. A solid clicking, that sounds like rapid gunfire when you really start typing is on some level, a much smaller level, as sweet sounding as a wood bat making solid contact. Today I got my laptop from work, and the keyboard on laptops some how sounds better than 86% of all other keyboards. You probably think I just made up that percentage. I’m a complete nerd.


Can we have a moment of silence for Mrs. Kevin Federline please? I mean, if those two crazy kids can’t make it work, who can? I was a bit skeptical about the institute of marriage before, now I’ve lost all faith in it. What were the odds? I love that she announced it on Election Day. Doing her best to bury the story, she must have finally hired someone to do her PR. I think she’s been without for the past 10 years. And I don’t think she’s smart enough to consider when and how to release this horribly upsetting news.


Election results are in, um, duh. You aren’t here to get the news. So the Democrats have won control of the House and Senate and this is supposed to help right Washington. Myself, I definitely consider myself a “democrat.” I am; Pro-choice, against the war in Iraq, in favor of affirmative action, I think gun control should be more than “use two hands.” Basically, I’m what you’d call a liberal. But lately I find myself sick of the label, and the label, “conservative.” I think part this comes from the spots my cousin did that I posted on here last week. I’m not sure when or how liberal became a synonymous for democrat or conservative for republican. But some where along the way, it became more important for people to support their party rather than their views.

I think most people have views that cross party lines. You can be pro-life and pro-environment (in fact that sounds logical) but you’d be hard pressed to find a politician that shares your views. I could be wrong but, I lay the blame on the shoulders of the religious right. They are like the mafia, you are either with them or against them and being against them could mean death, or at least a stint in hell. And it’s hard to find Republicans that will stand up against them. A Republican politician has to appease the right, or lose their support and more importantly, their financial backing.
So once again God or better yet, Religion is doing more to separate us than bring us together. A simple fact that proves separating religion and state is the right thing to do.

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