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December 15, 2006


Okay, maybe I’m just getting old and losing my mind, but this made no sense to me. Yesterday on my lunch break I went to get a new social security card. Seems I lost mine, and since my driver’s license expired (some thing to do with a birthday) I need the card to get a new license. I head over there, take my number and wait. Finally my number gets called, and I approach the ever so cheerful clerk. Hand over my paperwork and it turns out, they can’t give me a new card just yet. Seems that my driver’s license is expired, and that’s a problem.

Oh, it gets better. They can, and did, give me a piece of paper that I can use to go get my driver’s license, and after that I can come back and get a new social security card. Now, someone please explain to me how this makes any sense at all. For starters, I thought an expired driver’s license just meant I couldn’t drive. I had no idea it meant my identity expired. Did I suddenly stop being me? I haven’t felt any different. How does anything get done in Washington?


People die, its part of life and usually comes at the end, the very very end. It’s sad, it sucks and it’s never fun to hear about. Last night I was watching the news as they talked about some guys who were climbing a mountain and they are now missing, with the big fear being they are either already dead or soon will be. Now, that sucks. It does, mainly for their friends and family. But should this really be big news? They were climbing a friggin’ mountain, one of the risks that goes along with doing so, is you may not come back down.

Steve Irwin swims with a Sting Ray and he gets stuck and died, big sob story. These guys go up a mountain and might not come down, and it’s big news. My point is, they knew the risks so it’s not a tragedy. If anything it just kind of proves they aren’t all that bright. Say you have a kid, and he’s 14. You’ve told your kid not to touch the stove because it’s hot, the kid understands the concept of getting burned and on their own they decide they don’t want to get burned. Now, they decide what the hell, put their hand right on the stove, I feel bad when they’re in pain, but give me a break. This isn’t a toddler, who had to learn a lesson the hard way; he’s old enough to know what happens when you play with fire.

Irwin got burned, and now it looks like these other guys might have been burned too. I’m sorry for their families, and it sucks that their dead. But it was their choice and I highly doubt they wanted the world to hear about how they made a bad decision. Put something that’s actually relevant on the news, like Britney went out this week and she even wore panties.

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