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July 16, 2007

Entourage Recap and Hirpasms

Entourage got its swagger back. As I said, I was a bit disappointed with the season thus far, but last night this show of ours returned to its winning ways. Like a baseball team bouncing back from a losing streak with a near perfectly played game, all cylinders were hitting last night. We had Ari and his high jinx, Lloyd in all his gayness, Drama doing his best window licker impression, Turtle seeing all the angels and Vince and E diving head first into a giant pile of shit and not smelling like roses, yet.

One of the highlights for me, was E decking the asshole director in the middle of Barneys. The awkward shove-punch heard ‘round the world, was one for all the vertically-challenged. Short guys: one, arrogant assholes: zero.

As for who leaked the trailer, well my theory is Walsh. He wanted to drive a wedge between Eric and Vince in retaliation for Eric being critical of his cut of the movie. Although I got there before it was stated, it did take me a second to figure out that Walsh would be replacing Hanson, but it’s a beautiful little twist. Although I really can’t stand Walsh, and is Vince trying to be the Indie-King or a big star? When does he work with J.J. Abrams or a Doug Liman? Actually, just realized, that this is very much Mark Whalberg. Basketball Diaries, Fear, Boogie Nights, Three Kings, Planet of the Apes, Four Brothers, and I Heart Huckabees were all directed by directors that made their names in independent or more artistic movies. His first movie with a well known director was The Departed, and he had a supporting role. How long till we see Vince find his own Departed?


• Okay, right now someone sitting behind me is clipping their fingernails. Is it just me, or isn’t it just basic office etiquette to not do anything in your cube you’d do while sitting on your toilet? She isn’t even doing it over a trashcan; if any debris finds its way to my cube I’ll do my best impression of “Shock and awe.” Wonder how she’d react to coming back from lunch and finding a used square of TP on her keyboard. Let’s all hope it doesn’t come to that.

• Personal highlight for the weekend: breaking my friends’ Godfather cherry. How there are still people over the age of 25 that haven’t seen The Godfather yet, is beyond me. Bono, Jay-Z, George Clooney and Oprah are on a quest to make sure everyone has water. Well, I’m on a quest to make sure everyone see’s The Godfather. I’m honestly torn on which cause is more important.

• Personal lowlight: Another awful night of poker. At this point I’m not sure if I’d be better off paying someone $20 to just kick me in the stomach. It’d feel about the same, and actually be slightly less expensive. My patience is down to a pre-Ritalin level, and all I can come up with is the fact that I now have better things to do when I leave the poker table. But truth is, my awful play started before the rush of good fortune away from the table began.

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