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March 05, 2008


My phone has this neat little feature called “On Demand” there’s nothing dirty about it, I assure you. It’s just a feature that lets me read the news and latest sports stories, and it comes in pretty handy on the john when there’s no newspaper to read. First story I opened this morning was about Hillary Clinton, and I’m positive the writer and editor were just cracking up when they penned the opening line.

“Hillary Rodham Clinton proved again Tuesday that she does her best work when her back is against the wall.”

There’s no way they were not going for the double entendre, anytime you talk about a woman doing her best work and mention anything that relates to a position her body can be in at the time of this work, the comment is dirty, and you know it.

If the sentence is about a woman, and it starts with “she was” and ends with “Pushed into a corner,” or “bending over backwards,” or “belly up,” then 90% of those who read the statement, will at least go to that place for a second. Whoever wrote that about Clinton, knew what they were doing, and I’ll bet my paycheck they were doing so because they knew most readers would then make a joke about Bill, if only in their own heads.

“If that were true (her best work is done with her back against the wall), Bill wouldn’t have messed around on her.” And nothing could be further from the truth. The evidence is all there, Bill was never about quality, just quantity. So maybe Hillary does her best work on her back (there’s a visual that’ll give America nightmares).

1 comment:

Porqchop said...

And you do your best work with your..