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March 24, 2008

No Complaints..

Yesterday morning, Mrs. Hirp and I were watching my mom’s show on CBS. It’s Sunday Morning on CBS, it’s been my mom’s show for years, and I think they will be changing the official title to “My Mom’s show” in the near future. She only refers to it as “my show.” She really thinks it belongs to her.

Anyway, they did a story about a church right here in the Kansas City area. This church has started a bit of a movement, and I guess it’s catching on. Again, there’s wrist bands involved like the Livestrong phenomenon. But there agenda is to get people to stop complaining. The theory is that complaining leads to more complaining, and if we can stop, our brains will actually forget to complain. They also are trying to stomp out criticism and even sarcasm(?!) Obviously, this is the work of the anti-cHirpst. No complaining, criticism or sarcasm? Just shoot me.

Seriously, this is an awful idea. Those practicing this, or attempting to practice this act of lunacy are supposed to just accept things. Getting shitty service from a waiter, just accept it. You’re food will come. Never mind that you’re losing time and money, you won’t complain. Stuck in traffic, hey, no worries. This is taking, “Don’t worry, be happy,” to a new level. Bobby McFerron used Robin Williams in the video; so his head wasn’t shoved up his ass like these folks. What would we have left if this world had no more complaining, criticism or sarcasm?

There’d be no more comedy, no good movies or music. No blogs, that’s for sure. The only upside, might be Sprints stock going up again. They’d love for their customers to adopt this. But imagine an advertising campaign built around this philosophy. “Just do it, or hey, it’ll get done later.” Just doesn’t have the same ring to it. What about election campaigns, would they ignore things that need changing?

Living in a world where there’s nothing to complain about sounds pleasant enough, but to not complain when it’s the only logical response, that’s just flat out stupid. Not to say there aren’t plenty of jerks that complain too much, and when they really shouldn’t. No, those people should be poked with a fork for every offense. But don’t lump them in with rational thinking men, women and children who enjoy a good (as my people would say) kvetch. (I can’t believe Word knew that one!)

And really, we need another colored wristband for a cause and ribbon bumper stickers like Britney needs another kid.

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