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April 04, 2008

Been a few...

I haven’t blogged in a while, I know, and I’m sorry. That’s a bad Hirp. I guess I’ve had a bit of writers block of late. Instead of thinking of things to bitch about, I have been pretty focused on this whole wedding thing. And no, the feet aren’t cold. They aren’t luke warm, nor are they heating up from getting so close to the flame. In fact, I’m not at all nervous about getting married. And I am, by nature, a pretty nervous guy. I often meet the expectations set forth by the stereotypical Jew. Have you seen Brighton Beach Memoirs or Biloxi Blues? That could almost be me.

But I’m not at all nervous, just totally out of my mind excited. Excited about everything really, from the ceremony to just hanging out on the beach having drinks, to just making a life with this woman (this very brave perhaps confused, woman.) I’ve come up with a character I do at home, I guess it’s a character. It’s how I envision myself as an old married man. Asking if she’s seen my pills, complaining about having to pee again, yapping endlessly about the good ole days. I’m actually looking forward to that. Really, the one thing I’m not looking forward to is when the kid starts dating (or the teenage years entirely)

So I haven’t blogged much. And I think, at least for a while, the blog may change a bit. From what I hear, it kind has already. I still have plenty to bitch and moan about, but if you could only see how the conversations during poker games have changed. You’d think on the one night a month the guys are free of the wives and kids, free to play cards, drink, watch porn and crack jokes, they’d do exactly that. Well, it happens, but not like it used to. So as the table talk has turned from tits to tots and downing bottles to warming bottles, I think it’s safe to assume the blogging will change too.

Many, well most, don’t know this tid-bit. But it turns out; this blog helped me tremendously with winning the girl over. Before she and I met, some friends of mine who worked with Mrs. Hirp got her to start reading this little spot on the web to get to know me. And some how, by the grace of some thing or someone, she liked what she read and wasn’t scared for her life. Well, she may have been scared, but she also liked it.

1 comment:

Porqchop said...

Looking forward to the siesta!